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Although most parents would love to hold their babies when they’re outdoors, once they grow older and a bit heavier, its no longer possible to keep on holding them for a longer duration as it really hurts your back. Besides, if you’re out shopping its not possible to carry all those grocery bags as well as your little one, and that’s why you need to put your baby in the stroller most of the times.
But then, most babies don’t like it in the stroller, especially if they’re new to it. Kids also don’t like it in the stroller because it can get quite boring out there.
Here are some useful tips and toys that you can employ to to keep your little one occupied, and more importantly, “happy” in the stroller:
- Know what time works for your baby
This is probably something you may have already realized, your baby’s strongest hours when he/she is not likely to shriek in protest. Plan your outdoor activities around that time.
- Get your baby’s comfort object and toys
If you child has a blanket he/she likes, get it along. Get a couple of toys as well that can keep your child entertained for few minutes.
- Toys that are attachable
Over time, you’ll realize that this one is important, you really don’t want your baby to constantly drop their toys on the floor all the time, and you have to bend down and pick them up. Having a couple of stroller accessories/toys that attach to the stroller.
- Toys with lights & sounds
Make sure the toy or activity has some in-built light or makes some sort of sound to make it more engaging and entertaining to your baby. Such toys will keep the baby happy in the stroller for longer. Toys with lots of buttons to press, cloth books or board books with pages to turn, are good choices.
- Babies need variety too
Although you just reveal a couple of toys to your baby, you should ideally carry (hide) a few more in the baby bag. If your little one gets bored with the current set of toys, you can swap it with a new one, and I’m sure he/she will go quiet.
In general, the longer you intend to keep your baby in the stroller, the more variety of toys you should carry. Here are some popular options of stroller toys and accessories to keep your baby happily engaged in the stroller:
- Stroller steering wheel: easily attaches onto the pram.
- Learning activity toys like the range from Lamaze.
- Toy keys and mobile phones are also pretty attractive to the older babies
- Get food, water, extra diaper and wipes
You should never underestimate the power of a snack. Baby can go from psycho to sweet angel when they get to lay their hands on their favorite food/fruits. You may use the Happy Family pouches when you’re out (lifesaver when you’re out for jogging, grocery shopping and even long car rides). Also, don’t leave the changing pad and supplies in the car, carry it in the stroller.
- If everything fails, stop and comfort the baby
Despite all those amusing distractions, if your baby is still unhappy in the stroller, its probably time to take a break, stop everything, and spend some time comforting the baby.
StrollerBoards is a family managed website with me (Ben) and my wife doing most of the work. We are proud parents of two wonderful kids and love reviewing baby travel gear. We have a firm but friendly “democratic parenting” style and offer several practical solutions backed by extensive research. Our own experience with raising two children prompted us to share our knowledge. Read more.
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