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Top tips on how to clean a Baby Stroller. Here we take a look at the tools, strategies, and steps that you should take to clean a dirty stroller. Time to make a pit stop for a deep cleaning.
Introduction to Stroller Maintenance
Strollers require proper maintenance for smooth functioning and also to make it look clean and new. Most parents assume their baby carriage is clean but a closer look reveals that the stroller really needs cleaning.
Since all strollers are used outdoors, and used by babies, its obvious for them to get dirty, kids eat in them, sleep in them, soil their diapers in them, spilled milk, cookie crumbs, mashed fruit, leaky diapers can stain the fabric and also get into the corners and crevices of your baby’s stroller.
Over time, strollers go through lots of wear and tear – the surface and the kids are hard on the stroller, the handlebar wrap starts coming off, most parts become dirty.
Stroller Maintenance: Fixing Plus Cleaning
Stroller maintenance is about keeping your stroller in great shape, both in terms of functionality and looks. It means fixing the tires as and when needed (especially for joggers) and cleaning it regularly so that it looks nice.
- Maintenance of the tires: Jogging strollers with pneumatic tires often require punctures to be fixed, and you may consider getting a stroller maintenance kit for it.
- Regular cleaning and maintenance of the stroller: This involves thoroughly cleaning every part of the stroller, which is covered in this post.
Thankfully, most strollers nowadays come equipped with washable fabric, removable machine-washable layers. So keeping a stroller clean is not as difficult as it seems.
Here we take a look at how to clean a stroller; you will also find useful tips to maintain a stroller; learn how to do basic cleaning and maintenance of your stroller.
How to Know When Its Time to Clean
Here are signs that will tell you’re its time to clean, and you’re not cleaning your baby’s stroller enough.
- Your stroller gives out a peculiar smell and it doesn’t do away
- You find something from one of the storage flaps/compartments and wonder how long it has been lying there
- You find crumbs snack leftovers everywhere
- You find cheerios all over the place
- Most of the surfaces feels a bit sticky
- There are signs of Spit-Ups all over the place, and in some cases, even a dirty diaper was left behind
Once these signs are clearly visible, you must take time to clean your stroller!
Baby Stroller are meant to be used outdoors, and its the place where you feed your baby (when outdoors).
Over time, its dirt and crumbs (from the snacks) get accumulated in the stroller (which is not visible from a distance). Most medical studies suggest that strollers need to be cleaned and disinfect every week, to ensure good health of your child.
Regular cleaning also helps to keep your baby stroller look spic-and-span.
So in case you had missed out on this aspect, read these suggestions on how to clean your stroller.
Where is Dirt Likely to Accumulate
Here are a few key things to look for that will help you reduce the time spent on cleaning the stroller.
- Generally, the frames (plastic, aluminum, or other material) is easily wiped down compared to the other components.
- Models with piping and ruffles on the seat can take time to clean.
- Look carefully at the various crevices in snack trays, handles, and baskets, this is where dirt typically collects. The fewer such crevices, the better for you in terms of cleaning.
- Do you have a stroller model in darker color? You may consider doing a quick cleaning as the darker color will conceal the stains/dirt.
Handy Tools to do the Cleaning
Here are the tools that will help you do the cleaning:
- Hand vacuum or dust brush
- Terry-cloth towels (2 to 3)
- Large bowl or bucket. Warm water
- Mild dish or laundry soap
- Toothbrush
- Wooden grilling skewers
- Air compressor
- Steam cleaner
How to Proceed: Steps to Clean the Stroller
To prevent spills from spreading all over, it’s best to clean them up immediately.
For wet messes (yogurt, baby food, apple sauce), use a plastic knife or spoon to remove (scoop up) the bulk of the spill. Its better at cleaning than trying to wipe with paper towels, which can spread the spill into the fabric of your stroller.
Its better to use each of the tools (from the cleaning kit) one at a time on the entire stroller, and also avoid cleaning one section at a time. The only exception being the wheels, which you can do towards the end.
Remove Crumbs With a Hand Vac
You may use a dust brush as well, but a hand vacuum (such as this one) is easier to use and effective at sucking up all the miscellaneous crumbs from the stroller; you can even use the upholstery attachment of a full-size vacuum.

You should remove & check all the detachable parts (including accessories). There are lots of removable parts, fabric, accessories on every stroller. You should also clean the plastic parts, including the stroller accessories.
Its easier to clean parts like storage trays, cup holders, and even fabric seats when removed from the frame of the stroller.
- You will want to make sure that you remove, wash and disinfect the detachable plastic parts of the baby stroller. These are items such as the holder for cups or tray for snacks.
- Use a disinfectant that is labeled as baby-friendly.
- A mild dish soap will get the grime off.
Check the manual to see which, if any, parts can be put in a washing machine or dishwasher. That’s much easier than cleaning them by hand. If you’re not good at DIY stuff, you can take photos of all the things that you remove, in the right sequence, so that you know how to put them back (re-attach) later.
Use the Toothbrush to Get into Crevices
Once the stroller is free of bigger sized crumbs, its time to use a toothbrush dipped in warm, soapy water to scrub any caked-on messy substance from the various corners of the fabric seats. A toothbrush also works great for spot cleaning any stains.
For fine cracks and creases, like those in the harness buckle, Wooden grilling skewers work better. The points easily get into those tight spots, and skewers are also stronger than toothpicks.
Scrub Fabric With a Terry-Cloth Towel
What if the fabric seat cannot be removed from the stroller? In that case use a terry-cloth towels dipped in warm water with mild soap to scrub the stroller down (beginning at the top of the stroller), wiping away all the debris and gunk.
Use a soap that is recommended by the manufacturer in the manual or that is mentioned on the tag under the fabric seat. If there is no recommendation, use mild dish soap or laundry detergent. Make sure you test the soap first (before beginning the cleaning) on some inconspicuous spot to make sure it doesn’t stain the fabric.
Related: Find more useful information on how to clean stroller fabric and how to use Stain removal kits.

Last is to clean the plastic or rubber wheels. Even if your stroller is quite new, depending on the terrain you use, the wheels of your stroller are likely to get dirty very frequently, which you will need to clean regularly.
Most of the time, you will find them dirtier than the rest of the stroller, obviously because they come in contact with the ground. And you don’t want that dirt coming in contact with the other parts of the stroller, especially where your child sits.
Here is how to clean your dirty stroller wheels.
Let the wheels fully dry. Check if the manual recommends periodically lubricating the wheel bearings. Depending on that, you may need to use the recommended lubricant, or spray liquid lubricant at the point where the wheel attaches to the frame.
Besides washing, you also should check if the wheels are working fine.
- You can use a scrub brush and disinfectant to get the grime off.
- Lubricate the wheels if they are squeaking and are not turning well.
- Check to see if the tires need more air in them. If they do, fill them up.
Some parents wipe the wheels of the stroller with paper towels, but it’s not completely effective as it leaves a bit of mud inside the door and on the carpet. Besides, if you have a little baby who plays on the same carpet, you better ensure the stroller wheels are clean before it enters the house.
Here are some options (although most of it is time-consuming):
- Put a thick door mat outside the main door. Make sure the mat is also cleaned regularly as it can look ugly at the entrance of your house.
- Buy shower caps that you can use over the wheels while storing inside. You will need one for each wheel.
- Buy stroller wheel caps/covers (you get ready-made ones, especially for strollers). Again, you need one for each wheel.
- Buy automotive tire brushing/cleaning stuff (available at most auto parts stores).
- Roll the wheels over grass (if there’s grass nearby), you can do that to clan your shoes too. Works great if the grass has dew on it.
- You can hose pipe (clean) the wheels if you’re not too tired before you enter your house.
Cleaning the stroller wheels

Vacuum the Material (Fabric) Used on the Stroller
You will need to put that vacuum cleaner to use.
- You will need to get out your vacuum so that you can vacuum the part of the stroller that is made of fabric.
- You will start off by vacuuming loose debris and any crumbs that you discover on the stroller seat and other parts.
- It is a good idea to use a handheld vacuum that allows you the comfort of using an adjustable nozzle so that you can do a truly thorough cleaning in the various crevices, corners and even pockets of the stroller.
Vacuum the Seat and Back Support
- It is important to note that the dirtiest area of the stroller will most likely be the part of the stroller where the seat part connects to the back support of the stroller since this is where the crumbs tend to slide to and collect there.
- It is a good idea to pass your vacuum cleaner over that area several times in order to be sure that all the crumbs are now gone.
Remove the Material/Fabric of the Stroller (If Possible)
For better results, remove the fabric from the frame.
- Check your user manual to see if the fabric comes of the stroller, so that you can clean thoroughly. Most strollers are designed where its easy to remove the covering material. However, some strollers don’t allow the fabric to be removed.
- Once you are able to remove the fabric, follow the instructions about machine washing or hand washing the fabric.
- Avoid putting the washed fabric/material of the stroller into the dryer as it could cause the material to shrink. You should hang it to dry.
If the fabric Cannot be Removed, Clean the stroller Outside
Take it out of the house.
- You will clean the fabric of the baby stroller outside if the fabric cannot be removed from the frame of the stroller.
- You will turn on the hose and use it to wet the whole stroller in order to give it a thorough rinse.
- It is okay to wet the stroller like and to scrub the material since stroller are made to be very durable in order to stand up to the different types of weather conditions.
Drying the Stroller
- Let the stroller dry well outside (depending on the weather, else you may have to dry it indoors)
- If you are drying your stroller inside, you can use a small heater since this will make the process of drying it to go much more quickly.
How to clean a stroller in the bathtub
Here’s how to clean a compact, umbrella stroller in a bath-tub. If you’re kind of a clean freak, you will love this method which will make your stroller clean and look like new again. By cleaning it every few months, the stroller looks new.
Here are the steps:
- Fold the stroller up and lay it in the bathtub. Run a bath with hot water and add about a half load’s worth of liquid laundry detergent. You can also just fold the stroller and let it run under the shower for a few minutes. You could also do this outside as well with a hose. This step removes the outer most layer of dirt.
- Fill the bathtub up and let it sit for a few minutes. Come back and rub.shake the stroller back and forth in the soapy water. Do this a few times rotating the stroller so all of it has a chance to be covered in the water. I usually let the stroller sit there for at least an hour.
- Drain the tub. Open the stroller and give it another “shower” or rinse it off outside. Leave it out to dry for at least a day before folding it back up. You can even keep it in a room under a fan, but if you have a outside, do use it.
Now your stroller should be as good as new.
Cleaning Instructions Summarized
A clean stroller is safe to use for the child, it gives a fresh smell, and looks new in appearance.
- Fabrics: Removable fabric can be washed using warm water and soap/mild detergent. Non-removable fabric can be spot cleaned using a damp sponge and soap/mild detergent.
- Frame: Clean using a damp cloth and soap/mild detergent and dry thoroughly
- Leatherette: Spot clean with a damp soft cloth. Avoid using an excessively wet cloth
- Wheels: Remove wheels. Use a brush to remove dirt/mud build-up. Clean using a damp cloth and soap/mild detergent. Dry thoroughly before placing it back on the frame. You may lubricate the wheel pivot pin using silicon lubricant before placing it into the stroller.
- Mildew and mold can be removed using a hard bristle brush to remove the mold and using a mix of water and vinegar applied to the area.
- Do read the manual to read instructions on how to increase the longevity of the stroller.
More Useful Tips
- Go through the instruction manual and learn about the various parts and the various functions.
- Always respect the recommended max weight capacity.
You will need a vacuum cleaner to clean up dust and dirt during the cleaning process. - Use a clean cloth and mild soap and/or detergent to wipe the frames, footrest, and handle bars.
- Use a soft brush to scrub off the dirt from the straps and canopy
Wash the wheels to remove stains, mud & dirt accumulated on the wheels due to movement.
This is what it actually takes to clean a stroller.
More Examples of How to Clean Strollers
How to Clean a Bob stroller
The beauty of a BOB stroller is that you can journey off the beaten path with your family. So whether trekking to the top of a mountain, hitting up a cool outdoor festival, or simply strolling through the park – your BOB is bound to get a bit dirty!
But that’s okay, BOB strollers are designed with a stain-resistant fabric to make clean-up as simple as possible. Check out these handy tips for keeping your BOB fresh, clean and in tip-top shape.
Cleaning the Seat
- Many messes can be cleaned by spraying down the seat with a hose. The waterproof, stain resistant fabric allows most messes to slide right off!
- If there is a stain that water alone can’t remove, use a sponge with a solution of non-bleach mild soap and cold water. Beware not to use harsh detergents or cleaning agents which may cause damage to the seat.
- Rinse thoroughly with clean water to remove soap. Allow the stroller to air dry, preferably in a nice sunny location. Always be sure that your stroller is completely dry before storing. Prolonged exposure to moisture can lead to issues with mold or mildew – and no one wants that!
Cleaning the Frame
- Carefully inspect the frame, brakes, and any joints for pieces of debris that may be stuck between parts. Removing any dirt or leaves from moving parts not only helps clean the stroller, but it also helps it perform at the highest possible level.
- Wipe down the frame with a damp cloth, using mild soap and water. Again, avoid harsh chemicals that could possibly cause corrosion to metal parts.
- Dry the frame with a dry cloth and make sure all parts are dry before storing to prevent issues like rusting.
Cleaning the Fabric
According to the BOB stroller user manual, all of the fabric stroller parts are washable. To clean the fabric, remove any solid debris first. Then, wet a sponge, and add some mild soap to it. Gently scrub the soiled areas with the sponge until the fabric appears clean. Rinse the sponge, and wipe away any leftover soap. Allow the fabric to air dry.
Cleaning Plastic and Metal Parts
The plastic and metal parts of a BOB stroller are also washable. First, brush off any dry, solid debris from the BOB stroller accessories, handles, wheels, and frame using a dry scrub brush or dry cloth. Use a damp cleaning cloth or sponge to wipe down areas with visible dirt and grime. The wheels can be sprayed off with a water hose, but take caution not to get the rest of the BOB stroller wet. Regularly wash the snack or accessory tray with antibacterial detergent or bleach to sterilize it.
Plastic and Metal Cleaning Precautions
Avoid using any corrosive cleaning agents on the plastic parts. This could damage the stroller, according to the BOB stroller user manual. Another thing parents should avoid is getting soap or other cleaning agents on or around the metal bolts and screws on the frame. If this should happen, dry the area immediately.
How to Clean a Maclaren Stroller
Dirt from the sidewalk, spilled food and drinks, and all the other messes from daily life with a baby or small child can end up on your stroller. Maclaren strollers are made with a rugged fabric that allows you to wash it yourself with little chance of damaging it. Although designs vary, most strollers feature a fabric seat and canopy, with a metal frame and plastic components. Although you can vacuum out the seat for a quick clean, periodic deep cleaning of the fabric keeps it like new. The frame and plastic components require daily or weekly cleaning, depending on dirt buildup and frequency of use.
Cleaning Preparation
Most Maclaren strollers feature removable seat covers. Attachment methods vary, but removal begins with detaching the straps from the rear of the stroller frame. The strap attachment ends — which on most models are made of plastic — snap into the frame. Sliding a slotted screwdriver between the attachment end and the stroller frame unsnaps it so you can rotate it and slide it through the slot in the frame. After removing the straps, unsnap the edges of the seat cover from the side arms of the stroller frame (if necessary for your model) and lift off the seat cover. Depending on the model, you can remove the entire seat or just the seat pad. Remove the canopy by either unscrewing it from the frame or by opening the attachment clasps, depending on the model of stroller. Detach any plastic trays attached to the stroller for separate washing.
Seats, Fabric and Canopies
Washing and drying the fabric by hand extends its life and prevents shrinkage. Fill the sink with lukewarm water and add a mild detergent. Shake out or vacuum up loose dirt before submerging the fabric. Scrubbing with a mildly abrasive cloth or brush removes stains. Fabric that isn’t removable must be dampened and washed on the frame using gentle scrubbing. Although the canopy is removable, its internal frame isn’t, so it requires washing on the frame with a damp sponge. After washing, rinse away detergent with clear water and hang any removable fabrics up to dry. Fabric must dry completely before you reattach it to the frame. Otherwise the moisture may produce mildew. Make sure the seat strap attachment ends lock securely in place with an audible click before placing your child in the stroller.
Stroller Frame
Salt can cause rust and compromise the integrity of the frame. Rinsing the frame with clear water after using it in snow, near salt water, or in any other conditions that can cause salt buildup protects it against rust. For normal cleaning, use a damp cloth or an all-purpose cleaner to remove dirt, mud and food from the frame and wheels. Avoid abrasive cleaners, stiff brushes or scouring pads. You can wipe down the frame with mild disinfectant after cleaning.
Plastic Pieces
Maclaren strollers have various plastic clips that hold the seat and canopy in place, and some models have plastic trays, cup holders and other accessories. Wash these components in hot water as you would any dish, using a liquid dish soap and a mildly abrasive dish sponge or cloth. The plastic components require rinsing after washing, and then you can air dry or wipe them dry as desired. You can also quickly clean these components on the stroller after each use by wiping them down with an all-purpose cleaner and a disinfectant.
Source: howtoadult.com
Go Through Stroller Cleaning Videos
Here in the video, you will see how acid grease is used to remove rust, and how different sorts of metal will react to it. It also talks about other useful products that you can use for cleaning the chassis of your stroller.
In general, you should stay away from harsh household cleaners when it comes to cleaning your stroller. Also, you should never use bleach to clean any parts of the stroller.
Watch: How to Clean a Stroller | Consumer Reports
Regular Maintenance for Best Performance
Cleaning your stroller is a great time to inspect it and perform regular maintenance for optimum performance. There are a few things you should keep an eye out for while looking at your stroller:
- Do a thorough walk-around inspection. Verify that all screws, attachment points and fasteners are tight. Check all wheels to be sure they are securely clamped– in particular the front wheel which can take quite a beating as you go over curbs and bumps along the way. Remember: the quick-release lever on the front wheel is properly tightened when it makes an imprint on your hand as you push the lever into the closed position. See your user guide for details.
- Check tire pressure. Most strollers have pneumatic, meaning air-filled tires, like on a bicycle. If you find that one or more of your tires are flat, pump them up with air to the rating shown on your tire, or in your user guide. You can do this with a regular bicycle tire pump, or you can purchase one. The pump is sold separately, or you can purchase a Handlebar Console with Tire Pump for added convenience. If your tire is still flat after pumping, you may have a leak in your tire or tube. Each tire has an inner tube that simply needs to be patched or replaced when punctured. You may contact a local dealer, bike shop, or the Stroller company’s Customer Service team for help.
- We recommend you take your stroller to a designated dealer for periodic inspection and service.
In case you do not have the time or inclination to clean your stroller, you can opt for stroller cleaning and repair services.
Stroller Cleaning & Repair Services
There are many parents who are uncomfortable cleaning the stroller themselves as they are unable to figure out how to remove the fabric or replace the tire; many parents simply do not have the time.
In such a case, the solution is to take the stroller to one of the repair shops who have the expertise to service and repair your stroller.

You can choose from a variety of service packages, depending on your budget and needs.
Some of these even offer strollers on rent, in case you want to test out a different model or just need a double for the day, while your stroller gets cleaned at their store.
There are stroller cleaning and repair service providers who provide the following:
- Scheduled monthly pickups
- FREE pickup and delivery
- Good job of cleaning your stroller
When you give your stroller for cleaning, make sure it is thoroughly cleaned and sanitized:
- Cleaning: The stroller should be thoroughly vacuumed, wiped and washed from top to bottom.
- Sanitize: Make sure they thoroughly steam each item to kill germs and bacteria (but without the use of harmful chemicals).
- Inspect: Most service providers also inspect the stroller to see if any parts need to be replaced.

Every kid deserves a clean seat and every parent needs an extra hand, and that is why these services get regular business. As parents, it also frees your time, when can be better spent doing something better.
By taking their help, you can enjoy the peace of mind that comes with providing your child with consistently clean gear.
Regularly cleaning the parts of the stroller will ensure they stay in the best working shape for years to come.
Wrap Up
Its only when you get down to clean your baby stroller, you realize how much dirt and crumbs were hidden in your baby stroller. So do make it a point to regularly clean (and even disinfect) your stroller so that your baby stays away from all the germs. It also gives you the opportunity to take a closer look at your stroller, in case certain parts have worn out (and in the process is compromising the safety) and needs to be replaced. This way you will have peace of mind and your child will continue enjoying the stroller.
StrollerBoards is a family managed website with me (Ben) and my wife doing most of the work. We are proud parents of two wonderful kids and love reviewing baby travel gear. We have a firm but friendly “democratic parenting” style and offer several practical solutions backed by extensive research. Our own experience with raising two children prompted us to share our knowledge. Read more.
If your pram gets dirty, you easily wash it with a washcloth and mild soap. The hard surface can be cleaned using a wet cloth or even a disinfectant wipe. You can even use a toothbrush or any gentle scrubber to clean heavily soiled spots.