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Every parent wants a stroller that folds into a compact size, and also want the stroller to fold and unfold easier; this is one of the most sought after feature. All strollers have an opening and folding mechanism. You unfold a stroller before use and fold it after use (so that it goes into the good storage space).
Strollers have different folding mechanisms. But whatever be the mechanism, parents prefer a stroller that folds easily and preferably with one hand. A stroller with an easy one-hand folding system makes things so much easier for parents.
But that doesn’t mean you should completely ignore strollers that need both your hands to fold. There is no dispute in the fact that a one-hand folding system is very convenient but it is sometimes given too much focus than necessary making parents believe that a one-hand fold system is a must in a stroller.
There are many strollers that need you to use both hands to fold but make up with some other great features. So, keep an open mind about it and try out both one-hand folding strollers and two-hand folding strollers.
- Most strollers need one or two easy steps to fold into a compact size
- Most strollers come with an automatic lock to safely keep the stroller folded.
- Some strollers may stand upright independently, in the folded position. This position occupies minimal space and is easy to store away. It also helps keep the fabrics off the dirt.
Parents want one-hand, quick fold design
Most parents desire a folding mechanism on a baby stroller that conveniently collapses the stroller, and prefer strollers that fold with a single hand operation. In recent years, several stroller manufacturers have come up with unique inventions in an attempt to produce an easy method of collapsing a stroller. The aim is to improve the ease of folding a baby stroller and to reduce the bulkiness of the stroller (in the folded state) for easy storage.
Most strollers now feature a one-hand, quick fold design. It means less time struggling with the stroller (and cursing when you can’t get the thing to close), and more time getting on with your day.
A stroller with true one-handed fold and unfold capability is a huge plus for most parents, especially when you’re trying to hold the baby with one hand and trying to get up your apartment stairs, or trying to board a plane or train, it’s so great to be able to just fold it down with one hand.

There are some strollers which are also self-standing, when in the folded position; takes up little space on the floor.
On most recent strollers, folding is pretty easy. However, the same is not try of the older stroller models as the locking mechanisms is usually located in different parts of the stroller and need to be set in a specific order. Most strollers some with accessories like belly bars, snack trays, etc which may need to be removed before folding the stroller (depends on the model).

Troubleshooting Stroller Folding Issues
Commonly faced problems by parents while folding a collapsible stroller:
- Stroller won’t collapse
- Stroller Jam / Stuck
- Stroller fold button stuck
How to troubleshoot
A collapsible stroller that doesn’t fold — or doesn’t stay in its folded position — can be really frustrating.
See if you can spot the obstruction and remove it, check for any damage, and apply lubricant.
Things that you can do:
- Check to see if anything is sticking out that is preventing the frames from smoothly moving past one another — an object left in the basket, or may be the fabric, or a small toy.
- Carefully inspect the metal frame to see if any thing is bent. You can use pliers to straighten any bent metal catches; if the frame is bent, try to get it back in shape.
- If there is nothing obstructing the buggy from folding, the joints and the catches may have stiffened. In such a case, a lubricant can help. Lubricate the joints with a silicone-based lubricant/polish.
Common issues with folding mechanisms include trying to fold the pushchair without removing accessories (foot muffs, rain covers and even canopies may need to be taken off before folding), something stuck in the folding mechanism (toy, lunch box, spoon, baby sock), and trying to fold he stroller with the seat in the wrong position (usually they have to be either fully upright or fully reclined).
Warning: Do not force your stroller to collapse if you are unable to identify the cause of the obstruction — you risk breaking the stroller and splinters/broken parts from the stroller could hurt you or your little one (if he/she is standing nearby). It is better to take the stroller to the store for some expert advice.
Lubricating the Folding Mechanism
Its important to lubricate the area around the folding mechanism regularly so that it doesn’t become stiff and operates at an optimum level. Preferably use only a silicone lubricant. Just pull the release mechanism forwards and backwards until it is fully lubricated.
Read the User Manual
Nowadays baby strollers are designed to go from the sidewalk to the trunk of a car in a matter of seconds. Strollers are equipped with quick-release levers/ folding mechanism that allow you to quickly collapse the stroller for easy storage. It’s also easy to unfold a folded stroller and once opened, it locks securely into the open position, ready for baby’s stroll.
It is recommended that you read the manual/instructions to see how the folding/unfolding works (you don’t want to push the wrong buttons or release any other latch by mistake).
How To Fold / Unfold a Baby Stroller?
Here are the steps you need to follow in order to fold / unfold a stroller (some strollers may have a slightly different mechanism).
Step 1
Press the brake lever of the baby stroller. Hold the stroller’s canopy by the front edge and pull it back towards the rear of the baby stroller.
Step 2
Look for the locking mechanism on the stroller (usually located between the two pairs of the front wheels). On some strollers, these are located on the sides. On some, these are available on the handlebar of the stroller.
Step 3
Pull the seat of the stroller back to the lowest point. Raise the fastener that secures the sides of the baby stroller in place.
Step 4
Next, push the stroller’s handles down and push the back section towards the front side of the stroller. Once the stroller is completely folded, fasten the latch.
How to Fold Stroller of Different Brands
How to Fold a Graco Stroller
- Push the brake levers on each of the back wheels to keep the stroller from rolling forward.
- Locate the release levers (look like plastic loops attached to the handle tubes).
- Pull back the spring-loaded levers to release the hinge lock on the stroller.
- Push the handle forward and over, toward the front wheels.
- The stroller will collapse onto itself into the storage position.
Newer Graco stroller models may have a slightly different folding mechanism.
Closing Thoughts
Every parent wants a stroller that is easy to fold and unfold. But you should also learn how the feature works, learn to use it so that it becomes almost second nature. Its also important to pay attention to keep away loose fabric from the locking latches, which could make it impossible to secure the baby stroller in a folded position. With practice and by paying attention to the smaller details, folding a baby stroller becomes almost a child’s play.
Also Read: Stroller Buying Guide
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StrollerBoards is a family managed website with me (Ben) and my wife doing most of the work. We are proud parents of two wonderful kids and love reviewing baby travel gear. We have a firm but friendly “democratic parenting” style and offer several practical solutions backed by extensive research. Our own experience with raising two children prompted us to share our knowledge. Read more.
My stroller folding mechanism is pretty stiff (pulling on the fold strap). It’s like the levers that the strap attaches to are not moving freely. I’m willing to take it apart and remove the “clover” gears, but I don’t want to take it all apart if there’s likely something else going on that would mean getting replacement parts.
In order to fold a Graco stroller, locate the strap under the seat cover, at the hinge of the seat. Pull it while holding onto the push-handle. This requires two hands.