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Baby products is big business and manufacturers are making sure they make the lives of moms (caretakers basically) as easy as possible. Check out these smart, intelligent, AI-powered, self-propelling, and innovative strollers. Some of these strollers could be the future of strolling.
Smart and Self-Propelling Strollers
AI-Powered Smart Stroller from GlüxKind
Vancouver-based startup GlüxKind has made an AI-powered smart strollers (EllA and Rosa) that comes with self-driving features. It can assist users up hills, apply brakes on slopes, and informs users of potential dangers. The stroller stands out from other strollers due to features such as object detection and voice control.
Features like adaptive push and brake assistance, Rock-My-Baby mode and integrated speakers.
Read more here.
Smartbe Intelligent stroller
Smartbe is an intelligent baby stroller, with a revolutionary design and functionalities. More importantly, its a self-propelling stroller that allows you to go hands free. Te self-driving stroller has temperature controlled canopy, a bottle warmer, and even an electric engine to make going uphill easier.
‘I know how uncomfortable it is to push an ordinary stroller through snow in Manhattan, up hills in San Francisco, or for a jog along the path through the heat and humidity of Miami. So, I set out to design a better stroller, one that combines all the greatest technology to give parents and babies a better experience,’ says Guillermo Morro CEO and founder of Smartbe.
Smartbe is a stroller that moves itself through the use of an electronic motor. The Smartbe seems to be the prefect stroller for moms who want to run without having to push the stroller along.
So how much is it going to cost?
Early buyers who buy through Smartbe’s Indiegogo page will pay $399 for a stroller without the self-propelling technology, but the price is expected to be around $3,000 when the self-propelling stroller officially launches next year.
Now that is expensive.
“It’s an expensive product, there’s no doubt about it. But think of it as a first. Having new technology is expensive at first. I think in the U.S. a Tesla will run you about $80,000. Think of the first iPhones — they were expensive,” says Mark Ramondt, Smartbe’s Argentina-based CFO.
For as long as strollers have cradled babies, parents have pushed them by hand. But the Smartbe “intelligent” stroller claims it will change that dynamic, allowing parents to go hands-free with motion tracking linked to their smartphone.
You can use it as a regular stroller but there is a also an ‘assist propelled mode’ that provides you a helping hand while pushing (especially helpful when pushing uphill).
The battery-powered electric stroller also includes light signals, a webcam, a bottle warmer, a wireless speaker and a retractable canopy to protect from the weather.
Is Smartbe the stroller of the future or an overpriced toy that hackers could use to put your progeny at risk?
Bosch e-Stroller for Babies
Bosch’s electric stroller helps carry your baby uphill and works with useful apps on your phone that indicate how much power is left and allows you to set an alarm if someone tries to pull the stroller away.

Baby strollers are set to take an electric turn with Bosch developing what is called an ‘e-stroller.’
Bosch’s e-stroller (electric stroller) includes the following main components: removable lithium-ion battery, two motors, brakes for parking, built-in USB port (to charge smartphone) and smartphone app.
The sensors on the stroller assist in regulating the acceleration/speed depending on the road type and slope.
“On an uphill path, the motors automatically help push the stroller… When on a downhill slope, they step in to help brake. If the parents let go of the stroller, the motor brake prevents it from rolling away unchecked, and the electromechanical lock engages the parking brake…the e-stroller system has no need for additional switches or buttons on the push handle.”
The accompanying app indicates how much power is left and allows you to set an alarm if someone tries to pull the stroller away. When the battery drains out, the e-stroller works as a regular stroller.
The battery charging time takes two and a half hours. The range is up to 15 kilometers (9.32 miles).
But will parents really need an e-stroller system?
Bosch created this scenario to show what the e-strollers will offer.
“Measuring a seven on the Beaufort scale, the air in the wind tunnel blasts the stroller at a speed of 60 kph. Its hood may be flapping wildly, but the stroller doesn’t budge. This isn’t because its parking brake is on, or because someone is holding it still. It’s all thanks to the new Bosch e-stroller system. This is much more than an electrical drive—it is an assistance system for strollers with a comprehensive range of comfort and safety features: in addition to offering push support and an automatic braking function, this includes connectivity via a smartphone app, an alarm function, and a variety of high-tech sensors.”
Volkswagen stroller
Wondering if a stroller that brakes on its own is a great idea? Car manufacturer Volkswagen has made a prototype of a stroller that uses its car technology and here is the result. Is this the future?
So now you can go walking, jogging, and even cycling, and don’t worry about the stroller banging into anyone. The stroller will just follow you around.
While am not sure how many parents will feel comfortable leaving their little one in such a stroller, some parents feel this stroller could be put to good use in other places. How about keeping your golf bag/club in it so that it will follow you around the golf course.
Volkswagen’s stroller with brakes and sensors seems to be a thing of the future, but would you want it now?
Cowarobot autonomous stroller
Are you too posh to push? You need to take a look at this robot stroller.
Chinese company Cowarobot’s autonomous stroller follows you around the factory outlets with your precious cargo in tow. Whether parents will trust their baby in the hands of the robot? Not sure, although the company is confident parents will. The motorised smart baby stroller, Unveiled at the CES Asia technology show in Shanghai, follows you at arm’s length, using built-in cameras to track your every move and hopefully avoid bumping into things and waking the baby.
Should the smart stroller lose sight of you, it homes in on your wrist bracelet to ensure you don’t accidentally leave bub behind. You can also double-tap on the bracelet to call the stroller to your side. The control bracelet has a 30-metre range, should the stroller decide to stroll away, but as a fail-safe the stroller also has built-in GPS. So there’s no need to panic, as you can always pull out your smartphone to check on your baby’s adventures while you grab another latte and peruse your baby’s Instagram account to see if it’s spotted any bargains in the vintage clothing store.
Of course most parents would be mortified at the thought of entrusting their child to a free-range baby stroller, even if it stayed in sight, but Cowarobot is confident it’s on a winner. The autonomous stroller will take another year to go on sale, but the company already sells smart luggage which works the same way, rolling along behind you as you walk through the airport.
In theory it’s the same concept, but in practice you might be a bit more upset if you lose the baby instead of the spare undies in your suitcase.
The stroller’s motors have enough grunt to make it up and down slopes while maintaining a steady speed. It has a maximum speed of seven kilometres an hour — a brisk walking pace — so you shouldn’t have too much trouble chasing it down if it develops a mind of its own.
Source: smh.com.au
Self-Folding Baby Strollers
The best self-standing strollers in the market. When activated, these strollers fold on their own without requiring any effort on your part.
Larktale Self-Folding Stroller
Larktale is a popular baby gear brand and is working on the autofold self folding stroller. Their patent-pending technology offers parents the easiest folding stroller on the market. Activated by the flick of the handlebar, the user can make the autofold stroller to fold automatically. The folding mechanism uses kinetic energy, and no springs or motors. Once folded, the autofold folds down into a small self-standing package that can easily be picked using just one-hand.
The autofold self-folding stroller is easy to use and also includes other useful features such as full-recline, UV protective sun canopy, a taller and bigger seat, and multiple accessories are included.
Origami Unveils World’s First Power-Folding Baby Stroller
The Origami stroller (by 4moms) is a luxury stroller — it has features, like daytime running lamps, an LCD dashboard and a cell phone charger. Of course it has a a seat to carry your kid.
(This product is now discontinued. While it was technically flashy, users found the stroller to lack in usability and it was also difficult to maneuver).

Here’s a stroller from Origami that folds and unfolds itself at the touch of a button, looks straight from a Hollywood sic-fi movie. Checkout the video.
Origami unveils world’s first power-folding Baby Stroller: Watch the stroller open and close at the touch of a button.
So does it have any downside? Things like daytime running lamps and cell phone chargers need batteries, which may require changing somewhere down the line. And all those accessories could come in the way when you have to fold the stroller.
So what does this futuristic stroller mean for moms & dads?
It means no more sweating while you tug and pull on straps or levers. No more pinching your fingers. No more folding your stroller to only have it unfold as you lift it up to put it into your car.
And that’s not all, the stroller self-charges, charges your cell phone, and even tells you the air temperature. The Origami Stroller couldn’t be easier to work, but the details of this work of art are really impressive.
I am sure most parents would be asking if this stroller can babysit their kids too, as they sit down to see a movie 🙂
Solar Strollers: Models with Green Design
Various solar powered baby strollers. These strollers make use of solar energy, via the panels on the solar canopy and let you charge your gadgets.

Solar Electric Stroller (S.E.S)
The (S.E.S) Solar powered Electric Stroller assists individuals transport kids up hills, slopes and heavy items attached to it. Aubrey jones from US says “I developed this concept with my own experience, noticing parents struggle up hills with their kids, then created a type of stroller that currently does not exist on this well lucrative market. There is one electric plug in stroller but it is not solar powered, doesn’t have large wheels which is more useful and easier to ride on uneven pavement, and is unattractive.”
The S.E.S is a 5 watt/12 volt/10 amp stroller that runs for a couple of hours and needs about 5-8 hours in the sun to recharge. Solar energy is captured from the PV canopy and is converted into energy in the batteries located inside of the two side diagonal frames.
Read more here.
The Solar Stroller
The Solar Stroller allows parents to remain active and productive with their child while keeping their electronic devices charged by harnessing the energy from the sunlight or artificial light on the sunroof canopy. Parents can now be worryfree about being away from home with an uncharged phone, tablet, or camera. With this portable source of power, The Solar Stroller can also activate its external LED lighting for visual purposes to others, as well as provide path visibility for the parent in a nighttime setting to ensure the safety of all. Several strollers on the market now with similar powering capabilities, but where the Solar Stroller differentiates itself is its allinone solution in providing a power bank to provide for onboard charging and illumination.
Read more here.
Solar Powered Baby Stroller with Charging Port
This solar-paneled Baby Stroller is a baby Carrier that has it’s so own mobile charger. It can be used while enjoying a small walk at the park or giving your Baby a Stroll at the beach, without worrying about having a low battery charge. The glow of the sun will supply energy on the panel and then will go directly to its power box. It will then distribute energy or electric power to your mobile phone for it has an USB port for your phone charger or cable charger.
A Solar paneled Baby stroller that has a mobile charger. A Standard or Regular Baby stroller that has a solar panel above the canopy. It has also a built-in power box behind the handle that has also an USB port for mobile cable charger. stroller canopy cover should be 10 cm . to support the weight of the sun or solar panel. power supply is 100-240v ~50/60 Hz 0.5 A and output of 5v =2.0A
InventHelp Presents Redesigned Stroller (FLA-3216)
An inventor from Deerfield Beach, Fla has developed a stroller which keeps the child cozy and comfortable, while also incorporating other convenient features.
She developed the SOLAR STROLLER for advanced ergonomics and safety. The design keeps the child cool and comfortable. This ensures that the child does not become too hot. The stroller also offers storage space for food and breast milk/formula, and ensures that everything remains cool. It can be used to warm breast milk or formula as well. The invention ensures that the caregiver can see where they are going while walking at night. In addition, the stroller includes various other entertainment and convenient features.
The original design is currently available for licensing or sale to manufacturers or marketers. Learn more about InventHelp’s Invention Submission Services at http://www.InventHelp.com.
SOURCE InventHelp.
Baby Stroller driven by Remote Controlled (RC) Car
This video from a few years back has just gone viral. A baby carriage / bike trailer is hacked and connected to a remote control (RC) car.
Now dad can just drive his kids around in the stroller with out having to push it. It’s a pretty cool idea.
Even though the child is secured in the trailer, I think the dad should have operated the RC car at a reduced speed. But it indeed looks like a fun idea.
Watch: Baby Being Pulled by RC Car
Adapters are also available that lets you attach the stroller to your waist leaving your hands free.
StrollerBoards is a family managed website with me (Ben) and my wife doing most of the work. We are proud parents of two wonderful kids and love reviewing baby travel gear. We have a firm but friendly “democratic parenting” style and offer several practical solutions backed by extensive research. Our own experience with raising two children prompted us to share our knowledge. Read more.
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