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This belt easily converts the Phil & Teds stroller into a travel system. The travel system belt is compatible with the Phil & Teds alpha infant car seat and the Mountain stroller protect infant car seat. It makes adapting the car seat to the stroller a breeze.
The travel system belt accessory has been tested on phil&teds go buggy, with the following brands of infant car seats. It is compatible with phil & teds alpha; mountain buggy protect; Peg Pergo Primo DiMaggio SIP 30/30; Nuna Pippa; Greco Snug ride Click Connect 35
- Secured by a two-step-release clip that prevents accidental release
- Durable 38mm webbing strap
- Model Number: GO-TSB_V1_9999
StrollerBoards is a family managed website with me (Ben) and my wife doing most of the work. We are proud parents of two wonderful kids and love reviewing baby travel gear. We have a firm but friendly “democratic parenting” style and offer several practical solutions backed by extensive research. Our own experience with raising two children prompted us to share our knowledge. Read more.
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