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Even pets need fresh air and love to go out, more so when they have become old. Products like pet carriers, bike trailer, double and large dog stroller, and accessories make it easy to travel with pets.
For most pet owners, their dogs and cats are like family members, and they want to provide the best care for them.
Most pet-owners also like to travel and/or lead an active lifestyle.
The products listed here make it easier for you to go outdoor with your pet, or travel (by road or air) along with your pet.
These products enable stress-free travel and are also comfortable for the pet.
So, fee free to take your pet along when you travel, go for jogging, or go out on a weekend trip.
Old things (animals, humans) bear the scars of their long life. Most have broken & rotten teeth, no hair, problems with the spine, and may have to battle severe health issues. They can’t get their fur as tidy as they used to. It happens to us all, pugs and old dogs, as well as humans.
But they still deserve love.
It’s important for pet owners to take their dogs (or cats) out for a stroll. Even pets need fresh air, especially as they get old when most pets are confined at home. Products such as a pet carrier, stroller, or bike trailer, really come in handy in such cases as most aged pets don’t have the strength to walk long distances).
Pet Stroller
For many, seeing a dog (or any other pet) seated in a stroller is funny, as they are used to seeing only human babies in a stroller. However, pets can also suffer from various illness and disabilities, and would love to spend some time outdoors. A stroller makes it easy to take your pet our for a stroll. Read more on pet strollers.
Rescued pug who came with a permanently dislocated front leg and no tail. However, she’s a happy Pug now, and loves being taken around in the stroller.
Bike Trailer for Pets
Similar to a stroller, a bike trailer for pets is basically a big basket with wheels that can be attached to the rear of a bicycle. This enables you to ride the bicycle, pulling the basket behind you.
These special trailers let you carry pets while riding, and come in different sizes and styles.
These are mainly used for small to medium-sized dogs, but some can carry larger breeds. Most bike trailers are big enough to carry 2-3 small-sized dogs (or other pets). They can be used for other pets as well.
These trailers features a strong frame and tires, has comfortable interior for the pet to sit in, come with storage space, and often have safety features like reflective tape, safety flags, and tethers to keep the pet secure.
Some of these bike trailers can also be converted into a stroller using a kit. Read more on bike trailer for dogs here.
Leash & Collar / Stroller Wrist Strap (Tether)
Most public places require pets to be kept on leash at all times when outside their carriers/crates. So you will need an appropriate leash and collar when traveling with pets.
Harness – If you plan on taking walks around unfamiliar areas then investing in a harness may provide more control than just using regular collars alone.
Seat Belt Restraint – For added safety while driving , opt into purchasing seat belt restraints which will ensure both yourself & your pup remain secure whilst travelling in cars together.
Pet Carrier
A secure carrier or crate is essential for keeping your animal safe during transport in vehicles or planes. You must Look for one that’s well-ventilated with plenty of space so they don’t feel cramped during long journeys.
Some airlines allow pets on flights, so you can choose a compact, well-designed carrier. You can further buy insert pads for your pet carrier to keep your pet dry and use ‘live animal’ stickers on the carrier, especially when you intend to travel by flight.
Fat cat needs a stroller to get around town
Barsik, a 40-pounder super-fat cat had to be taken in a special extra-large carrier — and makeshift stroller — to bring him to Animal General. There, the cat had to be hauled by two handlers onto a scale used for dogs — because the one for cats was too small for this one.
The foster mom had to figure out how to transport the big cat to the vet and a litter box that is big enough AND low enough for the cat to step in and out.
After hours of research, she bought a PetLuv Happy Cat Premium Pet Carrier which is a carrier and stroller rolled into one; the litter box is designed for senior cats and was a perfect fit for Barsky.
If you also have a big kitty at home, this is what you should consider.
The carrier/stroller has got a very strong carrying handle at the top, and the carrier completely comes of the stroller (to take it in the car or to keep it on the VET table). The carrier/stroller is available without the stroller as well.
The litter box is KittyGoHere Senior Cat Litter Box.
Lot of parents felt the stroller dolly looked perfect and wish they had known about it earlier. One parent used a hard carrier bungee corded to a grocery cart that did not have enough space.
One parent says she uses this same stroller for her cat, who is not big but hates going to the vet. This carrier worked perfectly for that. The vet could see the cat and reach inside and examine him without the cat getting aggressive. Otherwise, believe it or not, the cat had to be sedated for vet visits. The caretaker would leave the carrier in her family room so that the cat could go inside of it, ad by the time they needed to go to the vet, th cat was fine with the carrier.
The carrier combo is perfect for cats as well as for giant bunnies. And those low litter boxes are perfect for rabbits too.
Many parents recommend the stroller/carrier and the litter box for both senior and obese cats, especially when the leg muscles are deteriorating. It makes all the difference to the pets.
Dog Car Seats (Booster Seats)
Surveys conducted reveal that dog owners often take their hands off the steering wheel in order to prevent their dog from climbing in the front seat. A dog car seat (also called dog booster seat) can properly secure the dog to prevent such situations and offers safety to the passengers as well.
Dog car seats help minimize driving distractions by keeping your pet restrained yet free to sit, stand or lie down and look out of the window. It ensures your pup is safe and comfortable in their own seat.A booster seat also protects the precious leather car interiors, and can also be replaced at a fraction of the cost of replacing the entire seat.
Travel dog boosters are available in different designs, shapes and colors. These install quickly and securely in bucket or bench seats in both large and small cars; no assembly is required.
Most boost seats are big enough to accommodate up to two dogs. The handles on these seats make it easy to carry them, for easy transportation from your house to the car. A free carry bag is usually included.
You get dog car seat covers as well that are scratch proof.
Scratch Proof, Padded, Pet Seat Covers
This waterproof and scratch proof pet seat cover can be used in Cars Trucks and SUVs.
Made from comfortable material with water-resistant exterior, the leashes and belts are adjustable to fit the needs of the car and the dog. These come with bumpers on the front and back protect the dog from sudden stops.
The cover can be easily cleaned and washed, or swapped, to prevent lingering smells and odors.
Toys & Treats
Don’t forget about bringing toys, treats and water. This will help keep them occupied during breaks from sightseeing activities plus give them something special to look forward too after each adventure.
Portable Water Bowl – Staying hydrated is important for pets too. Bring along an easy-to-carry water bowl so they can stay refreshed throughout the day without having to stop too often (especially if traveling long distances).
Waste Bags
Always remember waste bags whenever going outdoors as this makes clean up much easier afterwards. It’s important not only from hygiene perspective but also respect other people who use same spaces after us :).
StrollerBoards is a family managed website with me (Ben) and my wife doing most of the work. We are proud parents of two wonderful kids and love reviewing baby travel gear. We have a firm but friendly “democratic parenting” style and offer several practical solutions backed by extensive research. Our own experience with raising two children prompted us to share our knowledge. Read more.
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