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Kolpin Rhino Grip for Stroller…
Rhino Grips heavy-duty design will keep your firearm or other gear securely in place and cushion it from any jolts or shocks that are common on rough terrain. These provide superior gripping power and cushioning support that reduces side to side movement. Installation to ATV handle bars & racks is easy thanks to the universal-fit design and included mounting hardware.
The Kolpin Rhino Grip can be attached to a jogging stroller in case you wish to convert it to a gun cart. Just mount a pair on each side of the stroller, these are not that difficult to set up – ideally these are made for larger tubes than what exists on stroller frame but you could use thick rubber sheeting around the tube first before you use these grips.
The best thing about these grips is that these are extremely adjustable so you can angle the long guns away from the stroller body allowing for easier access to the range bags on the stroller. And these mounts secure the guns really well.
You may use the rubber straps if you will be going at high speeds across the range with your stroller/gun cart (otherwise it is really not required).
The bottom line is that if you are looking for something to secure your guns to and don’t want them flopping around, these Rhino grip mounts are the best option.
Buy Kolpin Rhino Grip on Amazon.
Related: Check out more Stroller Hacks here
StrollerBoards is a family managed website with me (Ben) and my wife doing most of the work. We are proud parents of two wonderful kids and love reviewing baby travel gear. We have a firm but friendly “democratic parenting” style and offer several practical solutions backed by extensive research. Our own experience with raising two children prompted us to share our knowledge. Read more.
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