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Jeep Stroller Accessories: Essential Starter Kit includes four essential stroller accessories. Protect your baby from rain and insects, use the tray to keep baby’s snacks and toys. And even though its from Jeep, its designed to accommodate a wide range of strollers. [easyazon_link identifier=”B001CWZW4E” locale=”US” tag=”strollers0e2-20″ cart=”n”]See PRICE on Amazon[/easyazon_link].
What’s included in the kit:
The stroller accessories kit includes toys, a weather shield/rain cover, carrier netting (bug netting), and a convenient stroller mesh bag.
The insect/bug netting works great not just on the stroller but also with car seat/carrier.
The stroller bag attaches to the back of the stroller and provides you with storage space to carry other baby essentials or the kit.
You get 12pk linkables – Great for attaching toys to any stroller.
A useful accessories kit; it contains everything that would need for your stroller. And its also cheaper this way (costs more if you buy everything separately).
[easyazon_link identifier=”B001CWZW4E” locale=”US” tag=”strollers0e2-20″ cart=”n”]

Buying Link/s
- [easyazon_link identifier=”B001CWZW4E” locale=”US” tag=”strollers0e2-20″ cart=”n”]Click here to buy on Amazon[/easyazon_link]
Checkout more stroller accessory kits here.
StrollerBoards is a family managed website with me (Ben) and my wife doing most of the work. We are proud parents of two wonderful kids and love reviewing baby travel gear. We have a firm but friendly “democratic parenting” style and offer several practical solutions backed by extensive research. Our own experience with raising two children prompted us to share our knowledge. Read more.
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