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There are many ways to get free baby stuff, especially free baby strollers. Here is the list of how to get free baby supplies, including a stroller.
Having a baby is one of the best things that can happen to a couple; however, it also means that the couple now needs to put in more effort and also deal with a rise in expenses.
The expenses part, in particular, can be a challenge for families on a budget though. In addition to financial support, many families need assistance obtaining baby supplies for their babies.
Fortunately, some organizations provide assistance to low-income families through agencies, such as the department of health and human services or pregnancy-related programs.
Besides, there are some resources that provide you with the opportunity to acquire free baby stuff, including a stroller.
Even those parents who are really not on a tight budget should consider using these resources as it provides them with an opportunity to try out new baby products.
Test Baby Stroller and Keep it for FREE
There are several stroller companies that let you become a product tester; you test one of their products and you get to keep the product. However, you need to register first in order to get a chance to be selected for Product Testing.
There are some good product companies that let you try out products of famous products and offer mystery shopping opportunities.
When you visit the website of a product testing company, you need to first select the product that you wish to test and register to show your interest; if you’re selected, you will receive the product which you can then test and review, and keep the product for free.
For example, there are opportunities that say – “Just review the Baby Jogger City Mini Single Stroller and you can keep it for free.
So, if you are looking for a new stroller, then you should explore this option.
Free Stroller for Low-Income Families
There are many resources that you can look into to look for a free baby stroller. Looking for free stuff can be challenging and fun at the same time. The only thing you need is patience.
Here’s a list of how to get free baby supplies.
Offers By Medical Centers
The nearest pediatrician and hospital to you are also great resources for getting baby samples for free. Some medical centers run promotional campaigns where they offer a free stroller if you deliver your baby at that particular Medical Center.
Also Read:
StrollerBoards is a family managed website with me (Ben) and my wife doing most of the work. We are proud parents of two wonderful kids and love reviewing baby travel gear. We have a firm but friendly “democratic parenting” style and offer several practical solutions backed by extensive research. Our own experience with raising two children prompted us to share our knowledge. Read more.
I am a social work student intern for an agency in Dallas, Texas. I have a client who began with us as a female, homeless and pregnant. She has since secured her own apartment, and had her beautiful baby boy. He had some minor issues at birth and stopped breathing two times and has her in a constant state of fear. She has no family or friend support. She needs a stroller so she can take the bus to and from appointments. We are working to get her free bus passes as she is also diligently working to create a more independent, healthy life for her and her newborn.
Can you help us with a stroller and or any other baby NEEDS, such as diapers, maybe a breathing monitor, so she can feel safe in laying her infant down and so she can also sleep. She is afraid to sleep, because she feels the need to watch her baby constantly to make sure he is breathing.
Anything will help.
Thank you!
Olivia Blosser my email is olivia.blosser@uta.edu and my personal phone is 817-307-5356