Tips on how to clean fabric on stroller / pram. Got a stroller/pram that you haven’t cleaned in a while, especially the dirty fabric? Dirty fabric can look horrible. Here we take a look at the various ways to clean the fabric of your pram. Introduction Like most fabric, even the stroller seat and fabric […]
Stroller Cooler Bag to keep food and drinks cool
A Stroller Cooler Bag is a useful accessory that you can use to keep food and drinks cool. Easily attaches to a stroller and doesn’t take much space. Best way to keep things cool on the go! You can use a stroller cooler bag to store juice boxes, soda cans, etc. Place ice packs in […]
Jeep Stroller Accessories Starter Kit
Jeep Stroller Accessories: Essential Starter Kit includes four essential stroller accessories. Protect your baby from rain and insects, use the tray to keep baby’s snacks and toys. And even though its from Jeep, its designed to accommodate a wide range of strollers. [easyazon_link identifier=”B001CWZW4E” locale=”US” tag=”strollers0e2-20″ cart=”n”]See PRICE on Amazon[/easyazon_link]. What’s included in the kit: […]
Best strollers under $100: Inexpensive but not too cheap
Best lightweight & umbrella strollers available for cheap (around 100 bucks and less). These strollers are compact, lightweight strollers and come with a nice set of features. These strollers have a lightweight aluminum frame and it’s very easy and convenient to use them for short walks in the neighborhood or for errands. Introduction There are […]
Top tips to prevent Stroller theft at Walt Disney World
Although Disney parks are popular places for families, your stroller can also be a theft target at Disney parks. These tips, along with a stroller lock, can keep your stroll safe at Disney and other theme parks. Introduction Each day, thousands of visitors (at Disney, Universal, and Sea World) park their strollers while lining up […]
How to make (build) your own baby stroller
How to make (build) your own baby stroller. At times do you wonder why most manufacturers can’t get it right (their stroller)? If you can customize your computer, make it as per your requirement, why shouldn’t you be able to “build” your own stroller? After all the design is so simple! You just need to […]
Replacement Brake Parts for Stroller
Replacement Brake Parts for your stroller. When using a stroller, you should always put on the brakes whenever you stop. Make sure the pram or stroller has at least one parking brake. It’s also a good idea to use a tether strap. Read: Stroller brakes, important stroller feature Stroller Brake Parts Brake Cable & Housing […]
Best Kids Bike Trailers for Outdoor Adventures
These multi-use kids’ bike trailers can be used as a bike trailer for biking or as an all-terrain stroller that can be used for urban commutes and weekend outings as well. Perfect for active families, a bike trailer can be easily converted into a jogging stroller using a small conversion kit. Introduction to Bike Trailers […]
DIY Stroller Handle Extender using PVC Pipe
Here’s how to make a handle extender for your stroller using a PVC Pipe. You will need: PVC pipes (easily available at any hardware store). Tools required: hack saw, tape measure, sharpie, box cutter, 80 grit sandpaper Materials: PVC pipe, pipe insulation, snap tees, elbows, regular tee, end cap, long radius tees (traps), PVC pipe […]
Peg Perego Handle Extensions Connector
Peg Perego Handle Extensions Connector reviewed here. This is a useful stroller accessory that increases the height of your stroller handle, so you don’t have to bend much while pushing the stroller. There’s no doubt the stroller is a great product to have, but some parents (especially with taller body frame) may find it a […]
Stroller Clips to fasten Swaddle Blankets & other necessities to the Stroller
These Stroller Clips let you fasten Swaddle Blankets, piece of cloth, napkin, fabric, and other necessities to the Pram/stroller. These stroller clips (bulldog clips, clothes pegs) are great alternatives to clothespins and useful for attaching small cloths, napkins, towels, small sheets, blankets to the stroller. Although most strollers do come with a hood/canopy there are […]
Learn how to inflate (fill air in) tire of a baby stroller correctly
Learn how to inflate (fill air in) tire of a baby stroller correctly. Why Inflate Stroller Tire Lot of parents/caretakers don’t check whether there is sufficient air in the baby stroller tires. A well filled stroller tire will offer your baby a smoother ride and allow the stroller to perform at its optimum point. What […]
Kolpin Rhino Grips for Stroller
Kolpin Rhino Grip for Stroller… Rhino Grips heavy-duty design will keep your firearm or other gear securely in place and cushion it from any jolts or shocks that are common on rough terrain. These provide superior gripping power and cushioning support that reduces side to side movement. Installation to ATV handle bars & racks is […]
Label stroller buttons with color-coded stickers
Here’a why labeling your stroller buttons with color-coded stickers makes sense. Learn more about this stroller hack. You can make opening and closing your stroller a breeze by labeling buttons with color-coded stickers. While you may be aware of all the important functions on your stroller, your partner may not be. What if it starts […]
Quinny Stroller Parts (Spares & Replacement Parts for Pushchair & Pram)
Quinny stroller parts: Find replacement parts for popular Quinny strollers and prams. Over a period of time, strollers go through wear and tear. Its common to see rips, tears, burns and holes due to daily use; the more frequent the use, the faster you see such things. However, for the safety of your little one, […]
Must-Have Double Stroller Accessories
Double Stroller Accessories that will come in handy when you’re out with your two little kids. When you’re raising twins (or two kids), the tandem or double stroller is what will help you in your day to day activities. However, you will need accessories like cupholder, extra storage, and so on. Here are a few […]
How to get a stroller through manual doors
Okay so how do you get your stroller through manual doors? For example, if you go to the library, most of the doors are manual open and are a single door wide. So even though your stroller may fit through, most parents put them selves in an awkward pose while trying to hold the door […]
UPPAbaby VISTA Adapters to connect Toddler Seat, Bassinet, Infant Car Seat
UPPAbaby VISTA Adapters (upper and lower) let you connect Bassinet, Toddler Seat, or the Mesa Infant Car Seat to your UPPAbaby VISTA stroller. You get both Upper adapters as well as lower adapters that let you easily convert your vista into a double stroller. Basics Why you need these adapters? The UPPAbaby VISTA is extremely […]
Best Air Pump for Stroller Tires – Provide a smoother ride for your baby
You will need an air pump for your stroller tires to ensure it has the right amount of air for smooth functioning. A well-filled stroller tire provides a smoother ride and lets the stroller perform optimally. Most of these air pumps are multi-purpose and can be used to inflate stroller wheels, bike wheels, football, basketball, […]
Skateboard Stroller (Longboard stroller): Unique Design
The Longboard skateboard stroller had a unique design that appealed to several adventurous parents; however, many parents also felt that the design posed too much risk to the child. That is why the design never made it to mass production. Here are some stroller skateboards that are much safer to use and already available on […]
Mee-Go Cozy Stroll Universal Pushchair Handlebar Extender / Extension Bar
Mee-Go Cozy Stroll Universal Pushchair Handlebar Extender / Extension Bar. If you are a tall parent, you will need this extension handle. It increases the handle bar height of your pram, so that you don’t have to bend all the time, prevents getting a sore back. This stroller extension bar is the solution if you […]
Hang your stroller on wall or door: Compact stroller storage options for small spaces
Stroller is a necessity if you have a child, but it can occupy lot of space at home. Here’s a unique and innovative way to store your stroller in your apartment. Most buildings have rules that prevents you from keeping strollers in hallways and common spaces (its a fire hazard and also annoys most neighbors. […]
Fabric Cleaning Plus Stain Remover Kit (for Strollers, Upholstery, Child Seats)
Top fabric cleaning plus stain remover kits for Strollers, Upholstery, and Child Seats. Say bye to mystery spots! Easy to remove stains on furniture, upholstery, clothes, and more. Safe for use on cotton, linen, micro-suede, and most fabrics. Handy solution to keep your stroller spic-and-span. Can be used on strollers, car seats, changing tables, play […]
Joovy Stroller Parts (Spares & Replacement Parts)
Joovy Stroller Parts. Joovy makes some popular strollers out there, but the strollers may not include everything that you need. However, the company provides parts that lets you enhance your baby’s comfort and improve the overall design of your stroller. Find spares & replacement parts for popular Joovy strollers and push chairs. Introduction Joovy is […]
Stroll-Smart Hands Free Jogging Stroller Adaptor
The Stroll-Smart Hands Free Jogging Stroller Adaptor is a useful accessory that frees up your arms when you’re out with your baby on the stroller. Takes a little getting used to but it allows you to walk or run with the stroller hands-free. Stroll-Smart: Review Sometimes, it becomes a bit cumbersome to go out with […]
Best baby stroller fans: Keeps the baby cool and its safe to use
Best Stroller Fans (reviews): A walk in the hot and humid weather can be too much for the kids and can make them cranky when you are out on a stroll. A stroller fan is what you need to make them more comfortable in the scorching heat. A stroller fan is easy to attach to […]
Inner tube/tires for Baby Trend stroller (front and rear wheel)
If you have a broken/popped tire, you will need to get a inner tube replacement for Baby Trend stroller. While buying one, make sure you check if its meant for the rear or the front wheel. There are several reasons why you may need one – because of thorn, rough surface, threw it in the […]
Insect / Mosquito nets for Baby Strollers
Best Insect / Mosquito nets for Baby Strollers, Infant Carriers, Car Seats, Cradles. The universal nets fit standard strollers, carriers, carriages, pack and plays, bassinets and cradles. these are great accessories to protect your baby from mosquitoes and other flying insects when outdoors. Mesh allows for air flow and circulation to keep the baby comfortable […]
Kleine Dreumes Kid Sit Wheel Board and Seat
Here’s a complete review of the Kleine Dreumes Kid Sit Wheel Board and Seat. A universal stroller board, this one has a refreshing design and works with most brand of strollers. The best thing about this product is that it comes attached with a seat as well. Kleine Dreumes Kid Sit Wheel Board and Seat: […]
Buggypod seats (iO, Lite, Perle, Smorph), conversion kits, parts
Buggypod clip on seat for buggies. These make it easy to convert a pram into a double/triple buggy; its easy to attach to a pram, requires no adjustments. Buggypod iO Conversion Kit Buggypod iO Conversion Kit: The clip-on set of wheels converts your Buggypod io (seat) into an independent pushchair. Just clip the Buggypod io […]
Prince Lionheart Stroller Connectors
Prince Lionheart stroller connectors allows you to make a double/tandem stroller (out of two single strollers) in a snap. Pros & Cons Pros: Easy and cost-effective way to convert two single strollers into a double stroller. Now you can easily (and without spending much) transform your two single strollers into a working twin stroller with […]
UPPAbaby Snack Tray for Vista, Cruz, Minu
Find reviews of snack trays for Uppababy strollers (Vista, Cruz, Minu). This useful accessory allows your baby to have snacks on the go!. These serve as the perfect snacking surface and drink holder for your toddler, keeping them satisfied while strolling. Here are some Uppababy compatible snack trays. Most Uppababy snack trays come with the […]
How to repair damaged Stroller Handles
Various ways to fix / repair damaged Stroller Handles. Here’s what you can do — quick fix for your stroller handle — if the padding on the stroller’s handle has been damaged, has worn off or needs to be replaced. Over time, your stroller will undergo wear and tear, including the stroller handlebar. The torn […]
UPPAbaby Vista Leather Handlebar Covers
The Uppababy Vista pushchair leather handlebar cover (saddle) is made from premium, full-grain leather. Not only does it provide a nice grip when pushing the stroller, but the leather also gives it a classic look. There are several reasons why the handlebar can be damaged, it could be because of continued use, it could also […]
Stroller skiing attachments / conversion-kits
Stroller skiing conversion kits: These attachments help you ski using your stroller. These kits allow you and your little one to remain active, whatever the weather. If you want to make the most of the snow and have some fun, do check out these options. Products to snow-proof your pushchair (and baby), from accessories, through […]
Orbit Baby Sidekick Stroller Board: Cool Baby Gear
Designed to work with Orbit Baby strollers, the Orbit Baby Sidekick Stroller Board has a great design and looks cool. This innovative ride along Sidekick Stroller Board attachment are fun, convenient and also grow with your family size. Kids love to ride aboard the G5 Stroller with this skateboard-like accessory. As parents, its a great […]
Orbit Baby Stroller Parts (Spares & Replacement Parts)
Orbit Baby Stroller Parts. Find spares & replacement parts for popular Orbit Baby strollers and push chairs. Find Orbit Baby Stroller Parts like wheels, inner tubes, replacement seats, snack trays, replacement pad for your car seat, and more. For families on the go with newborns or toddlers, Orbit Baby offers a wide range of strollers […]
Stroller size comparison, restrictions
There are various types of strollers, but when it comes to stroller sizes, there is no standards as such. For a long time, the standard single stroller was the most common type of stroller, considered the workhorse of the stroller universe. These come with all the standard features and used to be the go-to buggy […]
How to store (stow) a stroller in a car (make family travel easier)
One concern that most parents have is whether their folded baby/pet stroller will fit in the car (in the car trunk or in the car itself). This is one of the more frequently asked questions, especially by parents who own a mini-car where the trunk is slightly smaller. Most modern strollers are compact and easy […]
Kolcraft & Jeep Stroller Parts (Spares & Replacement Parts)
Kolcraft & Jeep Stroller Parts. Find spares & replacement parts for popular Jeep strollers, Kolcraft strollers and push chairs. Having the right jeep parts that will do its job the best, is very important. That’s why we bring to you here the most popular Jeep parts for your Jeep. If you are looking for replacement […]
Best of Englacha: Strollers, Ride-on Boards, & Accessories
Englacha (means stroller in Taiwanese language) is a popular brand that makes different varieties of prams, strollers, and related accessories. Their stroller boards are quite popular. Englacha’s range of accessories, especially its ride-on boards are among the best in the market. Here we take a look at the other popular products by Englacha. Englacha: Top […]
Stroller Board / Buggy Board / Glider Board for Bob Strollers
Stroller Board / Buggy Board for Bob strollers (Revolution, Duallie and more). Bob strollers are quite popular, especially among the fitness enthusiasts who love to use the Bob joggers. Here we take a look at the stroller ride-on boards available for Bob strollers. Stroller / Glider Board for the Popular Bob Strollers Bob, as such, […]
Essential Baby Stroller Accessories for Winter: Must-Have for the Colder Months
Stroller Accessories for Winter: Come winter and it is time to swap the stroller liner with something warmer and to be prepared for frigid temperatures as well as snow. The good thing is that you can choose from a wide selection of winter stroller accessories that will let you and your little one get outdoors […]
Burley one-wheel and 2-wheel Stroller Kits: Convert trailer to stroller
Burley Stroller Kits that converts your Burley trailer into stroller, and vice versa. Burley One Wheel Stroller Kit Burley One Wheel Stroller Kit transforms your Bike Trailer into a stroller, without requiring any special tool. The stroller wheel easily folds up and down, so that it can be used when cycling and for strolling. The […]
How to replace the inner tube in a stroller wheel
If you own a stroller, you will have to deal with replacing the inner tube of the stroller wheel, sometime or the later. If you live in an area with lots of thorns, or take it on trails, the tires of your stroller can go flat. But its not that difficult to replace / repair […]
Mockingbird: Affordable luxury strollers
Mockingbird Stroller reviews. Mockingbird is an affordable luxury stroller brand that sells its products directly to consumers via their website. The direct-to-consumer stroller brand has several strollers and accessories available at a more affordable price point. Mockingbird Single-to-Double Stroller: Review The Mockingbird Single-to-Double Stroller is an expandable, modular stroller designed to offer maximum versatility. It […]
Chicco Stroller Parts: Spares and replacement parts
Find Chicco stroller parts / replacement parts for your Chicco Strollers, car Seats, highchairs, and more. Find stroller wheels, inner tubes, adapters, hoods, replacement handles, grips, and more. Introduction Find Chicco replacement parts for your stroller, car seats and other baby gear including baby walker wheels, stroller wheels, car seat parts, car seat covers, inserts, […]
How to install (replace) wheels on a stroller
There are different strollers that use uniquely sized wheels, however the process of replacing the wheels is more or less similar. To replace the stroller wheels, you usually have to loosen the locking axle nut, and then proceed with replacing the tires. Here’s how to replace the front wheels on a stroller. Some strollers have […]
BOB Quick Release skewer: Attach Stroller/Trailer to any Bike
BOB Quick Release Stroller/Trailer allows you to attach your Bob trailer to any bike. Replacement skewer for BOB trailers. Keep a spare handy for those long bike expeditions. It’s a quality unit, everything that you would expect in a good quick-release skewer. You can check out more Bob Gear parts here. Bob quick-release skewers are […]
Stroller 5-point harness strap buckle/clip replacement part
Stroller 5-point Harness Strap Buckle Replacement Part. Baby strollers, car seats and other baby products usually come with a harness which has a buckle at one end. If yours is broken you will need a replacement. The buckle also comes off when you’re travelling with your stroller, especially on the airplane. These buckles are suitable […]