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Most Strollers today allows the kids to be forward-facing (facing the world) or rear-facing (facing the parent). While grown-up kids will eventually love to see the world, for smaller babies it is important for them to face the parent and hear the parent talk to them throughout the day.
Small babies like to make eye contact and make noises and enjoy connecting with the parent, and it plays a big role in their development. So, if your stroller has the option of a rear-facing seat, do make use of it, and let your little one face you all the time.
Benefits to the baby when they are facing the parent, while in the stroler.
- Good for the baby’s development
- Provide’s emotional comfort to the baby
- Rear-facing car seat provides better support and protection to their little head and body
- Helps them sleep better
Probably once your child is six months, you can place the child in the front-facing seat, By that time the child will also have better head control and will stay snuggly within the straps/buckles of the harness.
Benefits to the parent when the child is facing them.
The parent also benefits when the child is facing the parent.
- Easier to monitor the baby
- You are more relaxed and at peace of min knowing the child is fine
- Helps you bond better with the child.
While it’s perfectly okay to take that occasional mental break during the day, but you should make sure that you spend adequate time communicating with your baby.
StrollerBoards is a family managed website with me (Ben) and my wife doing most of the work. We are proud parents of two wonderful kids and love reviewing baby travel gear. We have a firm but friendly “democratic parenting” style and offer several practical solutions backed by extensive research. Our own experience with raising two children prompted us to share our knowledge. Read more.
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