Stroller Reviews

Types of Strollers: A Comprehensive Guide to Finding the Perfect Ride for Your Little One

Strollers make it so much convenient for parents to take their kids outdoors. Be it for errands, for a stroll, for jogging, or for travel, there is a stroller for you. From joggers to doubles, here’s a comprehensive guide to the various types of strollers to help you find the best stroller for your needs.

When I first became a parent, I was sure that I was going to get all the help that would make looking after the baby easier and also give us (me and wife) some breathing space.

The stroller was top in the list because I was eagerly waiting to go out for walks again with my wife, something that we used to enjoy doing earlier.

On realizing that I was looking for a stroller, some close friends and relatives started giving me suggestions on what stroller to buy.

However, now I realize that they were not really aware of the various types of strollers that existed in the market because back then I got vague answers to my questions like whether the seat can be reversed or can another seat be added to the stroller.

Today, after owning a few strollers and using them extensively, I have a good understanding of the various types of strollers.

Remember, whatever be your requirement, there’s a stroller for you.

  • Be it the health-conscious parent who would love to go jogging everyday, or
  • The perennially travelling parents or
  • Parents with multiple kids


There’s a stroller built to suit your lifestyle. And its great to have choices that suits your lifestyle, rather than the other way around.

There are several types of baby strollers available to you as a parent, each designed for a specific purpose and has certain unique qualities compared to the other types.

So it make sense to learn about the various types of strollers available for your baby, before you decide to invest in one.

Get acquainted with the various stroller types so you can choose the best one for your (and your baby’s) needs.

Related: Parts of a Stroller – Illustrated Guide

Types of Strollers

Standard / Lightweight Strollers

The standard-size stroller is your typical traditional stroller which is lightweight with good set of features. These strollers are apt for regular use, are convenient to use, easy to fold and steer.

While some standard strollers come with seats that fully recline (for infants), many models require a bassinet for infants. These also come with decent storage space and features such multiple recline, tray and cup holder.

These are available in 3 or 4 foam-filled or hard-plastic wheels. Depending on the model you choose, it can be a bumpy ride for the baby, especially on uneven surfaces and rough terrains.

Some have single handlebars, while some have separate handlebars (requiring two hands), some have adjustable handle.

Lightweight strollers are easy travel companions. Some standard strollers also accommodate car seats (you will need a car seat adapter).

Related: Top lightweight strollers.

Umbrella Strollers

Once the baby is a bit grown up, most moms find themselves getting back to their normal routine and find themselves going out more frequently for various reasons.

While it is very tempting to pick up a a stroller that is fully featured, these can get a bit bulky and difficult to carry.

The more you venture outside, the more you realize the importance of having a practical stroller, something that is lightweight and easily managed.

This is where an umbrella stroller can be useful.

These are known as umbrella strollers because of their ability to be folded easily and because of their umbrella-like handles. They’re smaller and compact, simpler, and low-cost.

Umbrella strollers are handy for the quick outing planned on the spur of the moment. Drive to a pretty picnic spot and take a spur of the moment walk around a lake or along a path. These are also quite useful for errand runs.

These easily fit into the trunk or in the backseat of most cars.

Most models may not come with car seat adapters, which means that you cannot use this for your baby until he/she is at least 6 months old. These strollers have smaller wheels too which makes it less maneuverable and difficult to push especially on rough surfaces.

For many parents, Umbrella stroller is usually an add-on stroller. For example, we already had a bugaboo stroller but I also bought a Maclaren umbrella stroller which me and my wife would use mostly for quick errands.

Yes, it’s true! There are many parents who own multiple strollers because they feel certain type of strollers are better suited for certain situations.

Umbrella strollers can be quite cheap so do check them out; it can really make life simpler in some situations.

Related: Best Umbrella Strollers

Car Seat Frame

A frame stroller basically provides a stroller frame to which a car seat can be clicked into.

So why would any parent want only a stroller frame, and not a full-fledged stroller?

The answer is that it provides you with more time to think about what kind of stroller you really want.

In case you were unable to spend a lot of time researching what stroller you ideally want, it can be a good idea to get a very basic stroller that accepts a car seat, until you figure out what sort of stroller you really need.

It will let you experience how to use a stroller, the challenges that you are likely to face when you are outdoor, so that you become surer about what the ideal stroller would be for you.

A framed stroller is a great option for a 6-12 months old baby; it accepts an infant car seat, which means you can easily take the child from the car to the stroller and vice versa without having to disturb the child.

These are extremely light in weight (11-16 LBS), folds to a very compact size, and are inexpensive.

This stroller may seem a bit odd because it doesn’t look like a regular stroller, but can be a good practical solution for certain parents.

Related: Best Car Seat Frame strollers

Jogging Stroller

Jogging strollers are best for parents who live an active lifestyle. If you love exercising, running and jogging or are planning to resume fitness regime, you should consider a jogging stroller.

These baby strollers have three air-filled tires (front wheel is bigger in size), similar to those on bicycles. You can lock or unlock (make it swivel) the front wheel with a simple locking mechanism. Most running strollers allow you to remove the wheels so that it becomes easier to transport it in the car.

These strollers have shock absorbers and are designed to give the baby a smooth ride; your baby won’t feel the bumps and shocks of the rough road while you are jogging. To ensure child safety these strollers have more straps including wrist straps.

While running strollers can be used as an everyday stroller, you will feel the need for a lighter stroller when going to the grocery store. However, if you don’t want to own multiple pushchairs and plan to make running a regular part of your routine, get one with a swivel front wheel.

Jogging strollers let you get some exercise while the baby enjoys the sights and sounds of nature. You may choose from a one-seater or a double stroller.

All Terrain Strollers

This is much like jogging strollers but with a small distinction. The front wheel is rotating / movable so that it is much easier to maneuver and steer on varied surfaces. These all-terrain strollers are perfect for most outdoor activities.

Related: Top All-Terrain Strollers reviewed here.

All-Terrain Stroller vs Jogging Stroller

Most stroller manufacturers use the terms all-terrain stroller and a jogging stroller interchangeably but there are some basic differences.

Jogging strollers can also go just about anywhere, from flat surfaces to bumpy trails and even over grass and snow, it can also cope with uneven sidewalks and beaches too.

For a smooth ride and an easy push, jogging strollers usually have air-filled wheels (pneumatic tires) – one in the front and two on the rear side. This design provides excellent handling and steering, even with just one hand.

However, air-filled tires can get punctured so you will need to regularly check the tire pressures as per the manufacturer’s guidelines. You will also need to carry a puncture repair kit with you (and know how to use it); it can take up valuable space on the stroller.

An all-terrain stroller is basically a hybrid of a regular stroller and a jogging stroller. These are designed specifically for off-road use – regular trail-walking, beach trips, hiking, in rural areas without many flat sidewalks.

All-terrain strollers are available in three or four-wheels. A tandem all-terrain stroller may have smaller wheels at the front and larger rear wheels. However, some models use four identical wheels.

Most models have air-filled tires like a jogging stroller (a few of them use solid tires as well). All-terrain strollers feature thick and beefy tires, compared to jogging stroller or a regular stroller, which enables them to easily handle rough terrain, including woodland trails, stony tracks, deep snow, and sand. These are better suited for uneven, off-road use.

Baby Travel System Strollers

Travel system is a combination of car seat and a stroller in a single package; you get a toddler stroller and a compatible infant car seat, both in one system.

Travel systems are convenient because they let you move your infant with the car seat from a base in the car to the base of your stroller. One click ensures that the baby is ready to travel.

So if you are going out for a drive just fold the stroller and put it in the trunk, use only the car seat so that your newborn can sleep peacefully. Once at the destination, if you wish, you can use the stroller to move your baby around. You can even use the stroller on its own when your child becomes a toddler.

However, travel systems tend to be a bit heavy and bulky, something to keep in mind while buying this one.

Double & Triple

The Double baby stroller can be used for twins or kids of different ages. Triple baby strollers on the other hand, allows carrying three kids comfortably at a time.

There are various styles in double strollers as well, such as side-by-side stroller (seats placed side by side) and tandem stroller (seats placed one behind the other); both styles have their own pros and cons. You have further variants to these types such as convertible, traditional, umbrella and jogging type of strollers. Read more on double strollers

Related: Best Triple Strollers


Baby carriage/Pram (term more commonly used by British folk) is a kind of old-timey stroller with a fancy canopy which allows the child to lay down completely.

Almost like the standard ones, these are styled in the classic pram way. They have fully reclining seats and come in various models; some can be changed into a toddler stroller so that you can still use them as your baby grows.

These strollers come with a bassinet or give you the option of attaching a bassinet to the stroller, lets the baby sleep on a flat surface.

Related: Best Bassinet Strollers (Pram/Carriage)

Multiple, Commercial strollers for Daycare

These are the strollers that you usually find in daycare / childcare facilities.

these strollers can seat 4 or 6 kids (some even 8) and it makes it some much easier for the caretakers to transport multiple kids.

These are not among the lightest of strollers but that is because their purpose is different.

Just load them in one of these multi-child strollers and you can easily take all the kids to the nearest park.

Related: Best multi-strollers for daycare

Baby Bike Trailers

A variant to the above, but different from a bike baby seat, is the Baby Bike Trailer. It allows you to take your children out when riding a bike. These strollers cover your kids from all sides and are generally considered to be a better choice compared to bike baby seats.

Related: Best kids bike trailers that can be used as a stroller

More stroller types:

Here are some more Types: Car Seats . Pet . Doll Strollers .

Take your time to research these before buying; the time will be well-spent once you land the right stroller for your child!

The Important Factors

When looking for baby buggies, anything that is lightweight and easily foldable is always preferred, but then they can be expensive compared to the heavier ones.

Besides, these factors there are other things which are also important in a stroller, such as safety mechanism, reclining seats, is it airy in the seat, is the shade big enough, are the handles high enough for your, do you kick the wheels while walking, and so on.

As you can see there are several factors which can come into play. Some of you may also have the looks of the stroller in mind, as you do get strollers that are plush and attractive looking.

You do not have to buy one that comes with all the features and accessories. You do get separate stroller accessories that you can buy later on as and when required.

For instance, if you go in for a jogging stroller, you may find the jogger universal parent console useful. It provides a cup holder, insulated cooler pouch and an additional storage pouch.

Besides, if you already have an infant car seat, then you can save some money by going in just for a basic stroller frame, than a full fledged stroller. You can securely locks an infant car seat into the stroller frame and you are ready to start using it.

Read: Baby stroller buying guide for beginners.

Related: Stroller buying guide: The ultimate resource

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