Categories: Stroller Boards

Single Stroller with Buggy board or Double Stroller: Pros & Cons

These are some genuine concerns on the part of the parents, and even though every parents requirements will be different (especially when it comes to their transportation needs), you need to understand the pros and cons of using each option.

Most parents who’re going to have another child have this dilemma of what stroller or accessories to use, when out with their little ones. They are not sure whether to buy two single strollers, but one big double stroller or use an extra seat / stroller board with a single stroller.

The common concern most parents have, when considering these options are:

  1. Use baby carrier for the little one, but a year down the line, even that may not be comfortable
  2. Buy a double stroller? Expensive and can be inconvenient at times
  3. Use a single stroller with a buggy board…but a child who’s 24-28 months old may not be able to stand on the buggy board for long

If you have twins or more than one young child, you will need a double stroller. It allows you to take your two kids outdoors, be it to the grocery store, mall, or for errands. A double stroller comes with several features and is available in several different styles and colors. A double stroller with standing platform (sit and stand) come with an easy fold system that also makes it easy to collapse and pack, assuming you have to travel with your stroller. These come with accessories such as parent tray, cup holders, safety harness, a rear seat, storage compartment, and more.

Buying a stroller platform is another popular option; it is basically a stroller accessory, a type of attachment that transforms your single stroller into a double stroller, allowing another child to ride along on the stroller.

Here are the pros and cons of using a Single Stroller with Buggy board versus using a Double Baby Stroller:

Seating Convenience
The best part about double strollers is that it lets both your kids be seated conveniently, and depending on the model, they’re seated next to each other so they can look at each other and also enjoy the view. The lesser the difference in the age between the two kids, the more apt this option becomes.

Even using a sit-n-stand stroller may not be much of a help if your elder one is around two or so, because if he/she doesn’t sit still, he’s likely to fall. Once more, having a double stroller helps, because you can even strap your child if need be.

However, the disadvantage of using a double stroller is its size. It can be a pain, especially if you decide to go to a crowded place, like a mall where you have to navigate through narrow alleys/doors. A double stroller can also get bulky and folding it up and putting it inside the car can be a challenge.

Using the Jump Seat
Other option is to use a buggy board for your single stroller (some models may have a small jump seat on the back for the toddler to ride on). The jump seat may look uncomfortable to most parents, but some kids just love being seated on them, especially when the seat is up high and gives them a good view where they can see everything.

But what if your little one grows up and wants the seat at the top? How do your convince your elder one to take the jump seat at the bottom? Well, that could be tricky, but if he’s a batman fan, he might still happily go in his jump seat/”bat cave” (make sure you cover it like a tent).

Using the Board
As kids grow up, they really don’t want to be seated or lie down, when the parent is walking. Once the kids start reaching the age of 3, most prefer standing on the board, with the parents hands safely around them. That is why the buggy board can be a simple yet amazing option.

But what if the elder one is fussy and not ready to let go off his/her seat.

You may carry your younger one (if he/she’s under a year old) for some time, and let your older one enjoy the stroller ride, but its a good idea to gradually train the elder one to get on to the stroller board, so that he/she doesn’t make a fuss when the little one is ready to take over the stroller.

If you think your elder one is going to throw tantrums about not letting go of the stroller seat, a better idea is to take him/her to a store and try out the various buggy boards. I’m sure once your elder one sees the various stroller boards in action, he/she is going to love the board.

Convertible Stroller Boards
If you think the double stroller is still the better option for your needs, you may consider buying convertible strollers (baby jogger, britax b ready, uppa baby vista, etc.). These convert from a single to a double and back again.

But as mentioned, they may not look very travel friendly…can be heavy and bulky, but for some parents they turn out to be the better option.

Closing Thoughts

Going outdoors with two kids can be challenging at times, especially when you have only a single-seat stroller. It doesn’t matter if the older sibling loves walking or not, once s/he gets distracted, cranky, it can become quite challenging to make them walk along.

That is when you wish you had a double stroller, so that even the elder sibling could have hopped along for a ride.

But if you always rejected the idea because you were not keen on a buying a double stroller (because most models are heavy), a simpler solution is to get a stroller platform, that you can easily attach to your existing stroller.

Yes, that’s possible. You get stroller platforms (known as stroller boards or ride-on boards).

Now imagine a changed scenario with the stroller platform attached.

The same cranky kid would now simply ride on the back of the stroller, standing on the attached stroller platform, and wave enthusiastically to passersby while cruising through the park or the mall.

Want a better stroller platform? You can even buy a stand-on stroller stroller platform that comes with a seat attached, allowing your kid to stand or sit.

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