The best double stroller buying guide. Double strollers for two kids are available in a variety of types (designs) such as side-by-side seating, tandem (in-line seating), convertible (single stroller converted into double), and stroller with standing platforms at the back. So there’s a double stroller to fit any family lifestyle.
Advantages of using a double stroller:
There is only one downside to using a double stroller:
These tend to be bulky and heavier, and can get a bit difficult to manage in crowded places. In recent years, double strollers have become more compact but they still tend to be on the heavier side.
Types of Double Strollers
Double strollers are available in different types and style to accommodate kids of different sizes and age groups, and to suit different lifestyles.
Similar to single strollers, double strollers are also available in various types: lightweight umbrella, convertible, stroller frame, jogging and all-terrain.
Related: Know about the various types of Strollers
Once you have decided that, you then need to choose between side-by-side double strollers (seats are side-by-side) and tandem (inline seating) double strollers.
Each seating style (twin or tandem) has its own set of advantages.
A side-by-side is actually a lot easier to manage.
When you’re going up and down a path and wish to take the stroller on the sidewalk, with a side-by-side it is relatively easier to jack the stroller up and on to the sidewalk.
However, when your babies get a little bit bigger and you’re using a tandem, the child in the front makes it a bit difficult to jack up your stroller and go on the sidewalk.
A big difference between a side-by-side and a tandem is the way in which it turns.
The side-by-side turns much quicker, much easier and it doesn’t go very far when you make it turn.
A tandem however makes a pretty significant turn (especially if you have reversed the front seat); the turn is usually much wider so you have to take that into consideration when you’re turning around a corner or just making a sharp turn in the mall; you don’t want to run over someone’s leg.
Having said that, a side-by-side can be a challenge to take through narrow spaces, and also inside a bus.
However, for walking and jogging in spacious areas, or frequent visits to the countryside or to the zoo, a side-by-side stroller works better.
Accessing the Kids
On a side-by-side stroller, both the kids are equally accessible but in a tandem stroller, the child in the front is further away from the parent.
So, if one of the child needs a pacifier or some snacks, it’s not much of a hassle with a side-by-side stroller.
But with the tandem, if you have to attend to your kids, you can’t just go and attend to kids; you may be able to help the child near to you, but for the child in the front, you will have to stop what you’re doing in order to give him the pacifier or give him some snacks.
So some parents may occasionally feel a little frustrated by tandem strollers as the baby in the front seems to be far away.
There are some tandem strollers in which the front seat can be reversed allowing the child to face the parent.
But accessibility is still one of the issues that parents complain about in a tandem stroller.
How is the Seating (Interaction)
Tandem stroller has a narrow profile (similar width as a single strollers) due to which it can easily pass through narrow passages, streets and stores.
Tandem stroller has a stadium-style seating; depending on the design the one in the rear may get a better view or a poorer view.
On some Tandem double strollers, you can change the direction of the seats. So the children can face each other allowing the kids to enjoy each other’s company and keep each other entertained, or they can face the same direction.
Tandem stroller is better suited when the difference in age between the two kids is more.
A tandem stroller may offer limited leg room which could make your child feel restricted. Also, the one behind could be constantly kicking the one in the front (if the stroller is compact).
On a side-by-side stroller, both the kids are seated next to each other. Both the kids will get the same view so no fighting over who gets to ride in the front. It also gives your kids an opportunity to interact, thus keep them occupied while you shop or do other tasks peacefully (but this seating can be a challenge too if they don’t get along well .
So, a side-by-side seems to be a good option if you want your kids/twins to interact more. You may even consider a tandem stroller with reversible seat which will allow the kids to face and see each other and interact.
Which one offers more flexibility?
On some tandem strollers, the seats may not recline much. On some tandems, the seat in the back reclines so that infant can be more comfortable (in which case the older child sits in the front).
But in general, tandems seem to offer a lot more flexibility – it can convert from double to single (and vice versa), some can also be used as sit-and-stand, and some models allow different seating combinations.
Age of the Kids
If your kids are not of the same ages, then you should consider getting a tandem (or a sit-and-stand).
A sit-and-stand stroller gives flexibility to your elder one – he could ride along or walk beside you. But if you have twins or kids of similar ages, a side-by-side stroller would be more suitable.
A twin stroller puts both the kids on an equal level and they’re able to see clearly without being obstructed.
Child Car Seats
Do these accommodate Child Car Seat?
So, an inline stroller works better if you plan to use car seats, which makes it easy to move the kids from the car to the stroller without changing car seats; you can just pop them in and out of the car with relative ease.
Compact Fold
If you live in an apartment and don’t have a lot of space for storage, the tandem stroller is always going to win for you. It’s actually going to fold much flatter than a double stroller would.
Then there are a few additional things that apply to strollers in general.
Check out our detailed stroller buying guide.
So, what you choose will depend on whether you’ve twins or kids of the same age or whether you have an older kid and an infant, and whether you will use the stroller in crowded areas or in more open areas.
In general, modern double strollers (tandem as well as side-by-side) have become lighter over the years and are now easier to manoeuvre compared to the bulky older models.
While some double strollers look sturdy, are loaded with features and are comfortable for the kids, it can be a challenge to even take it into the house, leave aside taking it up and down the stairs, while wrestling couple of kids.
In recent years, double strollers have become lighter and more compact so that its easy to maneuver it. While lightweight and umbrella strollers may not be very spacious and not have the newest accessories, they are extremely convenient to use. These are easily foldable and easy to carry, can fit through a normal-size doorway, and have some storage space, and are inexpensive as well.
Thanks to its compact design, you can easily carry them in constricted places and public transport systems.
If you already own two umbrella strollers, you may consider joining them together using stroller links or connectors that will make it work like a double stroller. This option works okay and will also save you some extra bucks.
The better option of course is to buy a new one.
Delta Children LX Side by Side stroller is wide enough to comfortably fit two kids, yet it still fits through most doorways. It is light, easy folding, no bells and whistles, a cup holder and a mesh pocket at the back of each seat.
Its wheels swivel up to 360 degrees and have shock absorbers, well-padded seats, seats have Multi-positioning reclining ability. Comes with cup holders. It folds up quickly, and in to a compact size, and is exceptionally well made.
Kolcraft Cloud Side-by-Side is compact double stroller weighing just 24 pounds. Bright-colored design with long canopy, maneuvers easily (thanks to the large wheels) and passes through doors. Features quality fabric, offers good reclining angle for your child’s comfort.
This is a side-by-side double stroller with car seat compatibility. The stroller weighs just 20 Pounds. Maximum weight: 33 Pounds per seat. Its narrow and super-compact and can go past even small doors. The wheels roll smoothly over all kind of terrain.
This is a great travel stroller but can be used as a regular stroller as well.
This is a Side by Side double Stroller with a large stroller basket. 30-inch stroller width-fits through standard doors.
The stroller accommodates 45 pound children per seat (90 pounds total). Stroller Weight: 32 lbs. One-hand fold, independently adjustable side-by-side seats.
Double Jogging strollers are best for parents who have an active outdoor lifestyle. The tires used in the Double jogging are 12 to 16 inches in diameter and is suitable for tougher terrains. These strollers have thick rubber grips and better suspension systems, which makes them well suited for jogging.
These strollers adapt to any surface so you can go for jogging, hiking or on gravel pathways without worrying about a break down.
BOB Revolution Flex Duallie is a popular Jogging Stroller. Sturdy and very comfortable, the kids can snuggle in here and ride when exhausted.
All terrain strollers (also commonly referred to as sport strollers or fitness strollers) are ideal for parents who enjoy the outdoors along with their children or prefer long walks or hikes off-road or on pavement (and are not really into jogging). You can browse through a mall or trek along a country trail, the all-terrain double stroller won’t disappoint.
All-terrain double strollers are not really designed for jogging but can give your children a smooth ride on all terrains. They can handle all the rugged terrains and bumps easily because of the pumped tires. These strollers are better equipped to handle harsh outdoor environment when compared to a standard double stroller because of the strong frame.
All terrain double strollers may have three or four wheels. They are easily maneuverable despite the bulky size. They come with two wheels at the back which are fixed and a swivel wheel in the front.
The City Mini GT Double stroller can accommodates two kids from infant to preschoolers. It is Safe, practical, and comfortable. It easily folds in seconds into a package that is much smaller than you would expect. It’s sturdy and allows for smooth steering and rolling. The stroller has all-terrain capabilities and comes with several features in a simple design. It features all terrain non flat tires, and a great front wheel suspension, folds up easily in one-step, has large adjustable sun canopies, adjustable handlebar to suit users of different heights.
Patented quick fold technology allows you to fold your double stroller with one hand
8.5″ all terrain non flat tires with front wheel suspension provide a smooth comfortable ride
Twin stroller features plush padded seat reclines to a near flat position with vented seat top
In the 2017 model (latest), the handle is 5.25″ taller and has an improved fold mechanism and lock.
Weighs only 27 lbs.
29.5″ wide, will fit through standard doorways.
Independent seat recline and adjustable footrest.
Each seat can take 45 lbs of weight.
You can use an adapter to add only one car seat.
To fold, simply press a button, squeeze the lever on the handle and it folds down and auto locks.
1-step geared hinge allows easier opening and closing * All-wheel suspension + all air-filled tires* 360 degrees swiveling front wheel with in-line lock option
Welded, lightweight durable aluminum frame * SPF 45+ canopy with extension for extra coverage * Adjustable footrest with side attachments for use with infants
5-point breakaway harness with shoulder pads* Large cargo basket with storage for air pump * Built-in storage for water bottles
The Duet is quite flexible. As a single stroller, you can use one side with a seat and the other using the Joey clip-on tote bag for extra storage. You can even take off both the seats and use the Duet chassis to hold two car seats for twin babies. Or use the Carry Cot bassinet. Its very versatile and offers several possibilities.
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Sit and stand tandem strollers are perfect for young families, where the two children are separated in age by only a few years. They are sort of tandem stroller with a traditional infant seat in the front, and a platform/bench seat behind it on which the toddler can stand (or even sit).
The Graco Room For 2 Stand and Ride Classic Connect Stroller comes with front and rear seats each with a capacity of holding a child weighing up to 50 pounds. The stroller allows one-handed fold that helps store the unit fast. The front seat boasts a 3 to 5-point harness that is designed to cater for your child needs as he or she grows up. To cap it all cleaning, the Graco Room For 2 is a breeze thanks to the easily detachable cushions seats that can be machined washed. The frames can be easily wiped with warm water and soap too.
The Combi twin stroller is lightweight and compact, fits through standard doorway and folds into a self-standing, portable side-by-side stroller. The best thing about this stroller is how it folds and unfolds. They have this thing they call a tri-fold system. Basically, to fold it up you have pull these levers on the sides (it’s easy) and it flattens the stroller. They you fold it together and latch it together. It folds up to a size that would fit in any trunk or back seat. Plus, to unfold it you unlatch it and basically snap it like a towel and it opens. It’s really cool.
This stroller is perfect for an infant and a toddler. It’s easy to open and close, the storage basket at the bottom is big, and easy to reach. You can also attach the baby’s Graco Snug ride 35 car seat to the stroller. It takes up storage space in the car, but really can’t help that with a double.
Here are the best tandem strollers.
Weighs 34 pounds. Holds 40 pounds in each seat.
Dimensions – 47 inches by 23.5 inches by 45.5 inches.
Comes with cupholders for everyone, a parent console at the top. Folds easily with a one-hand.
You can use the popular Chicco Key Fit infant car seat (without needing an adapter) to create a travel system. The rear seat also accepts an infant seat, so you can easily accommodate newborn twins without buying any extra car seat adapters. The seats recline independently, and they lay flat, so the actual seats are suitable for small babies, too.
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The Joovy Caboose Ultralight stroller has a traditional front seat that reclines for nap times. At the rear, there’s a ride-on board where older kids can stand, or they can use the bench seat to sit facing the parent.
The stroller weighs 90 lbs. Dimensions – 41.5 inches by 21.5 inches by 37 inches. Folded dimensions – 10.5 inches by 21.5 inches by 41.5 inches.
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The DuoGlider Click Connect Double Stroller features stadium-style seating (rear seat is slightly raised for a better view). Both seats feature multi-position recline, child’s trays, rotating canopies, and footrests. For Mom’s, there’s an extra large storage basket, and parent’s tray with cup holder and covered storage.
Sturdy, comfortable, lot of storage space for diaper bag, baby essentials. Graco double stroller is compatible with Graco Classic Connect infant car seats. Stadium style seating, the rear seat is slightly higher.
The Contours Options LT Tandem Stroller offers 7 Seating configurations, accommodates up to 2 Infant Car Seats, folds easly, auto locks, and have a wide canopy with peek-a-boo window.
Side-by-side double strollers (also commonly called as twin baby strollers) have two seats placed adjacent to one other; this arrangement makes the stroller wider (compared to a tandem stroller). Over the years however, these double baby strollers have become quite narrow, allowing them to go through doorways and store aisles.
The good thing about this design is that each of the seats can be adjusted independently of the other, and both the children get an unobstructed view of their surroundings (so no fighting over seats). It also allows the parent to keep an eye on both children at one go.
These strollers also fold very easily into neat, compact packages.
Due to the wider center of gravity, this stroller is more stable with little chance of it tipping over.
Side-by-side strollers can be a bit uncomfortable to push due to the wider design. However, most recent models are sleeker and comparatively easier to maneuver.
Britax B-Agile double stroller for smooth ride and easy push. It comes with lots of useful features.
The Maclaren Twin Triumph is a good double stroller for twins – boys or girls. Its an all-purpose buggy, its extremely light dual-seat stroller for transporting two children.
Joovy KooperX2 Double Stroller
This is well-built and feature rich twin stroller. The seats are spacious due to the wide seat frame. The larger wheels make pushing the stroller easy. Max weight for each seat is 50 lb. It can be used from birth. Stroller weight: 28 lb.
Delta Children LX Side by Side Stroller
This is an umbrella style style stroller for twins. This is inexpensive, but being an umbrella stroller, it can only be used with kids over 6-months old. It’s also very light weight which makes traveling with kids easier. Each seat can take up to 35 lbs (per seat)
A wagon stroller also is a great alternative to a double stroller, depending on how you’re going to use it. A stroller wagon can be pushed or pulled (something the other strollers lack).
A Wagon stroller also comes with harnesses, features storage pockets and even snack trays for convenience.
Most stroller wagons available on the market can accommodate two kids. Read more on wagon strollers here.
Besides the ones mentioned, there are other conveniences that you may want with your stroller, like the option of a food tray, or the ability for it to go flat. Foot brakes, wrist tethers, five point harnesses are several other features that you may want in your stroller.
You also have the option to go in for full size models, lightweight models, jogging strollers, or for strollers that convert into bike trailers.
More options include independently operating canopies, fully enclosed canopies for protecting your little ones from the sun, rain, or insects if you are out on a holiday.
As far color and styles are concerned you get several choices in Double baby strollers so choose one as per your personal taste.
Read more on double stroller accessories here.
Still wondering which stroller is the best for you? Honestly speaking, you will need to figure that out on your own now. so grab your measuring tape, measure every dimension in your home of which this stroller will live, go to your local store push them around to see which one you like best.
Lot of people think that when you live in a metropolitan city you should buy a more narrow stroller because you have to get through the aisles of the drugstore or if you are at Starbucks you have to make sure that it fits well. But the good thing is that a lot of side-by-side strollers are getting narrower, and a few of them even comply with DA regulations which means it’s not much different than a wheelchair and it has to fit down the aisles.
I recommend that you go for air tires even if it’s an upgrade for your stroller, it is well worth the investment. And when you’re in a baby store testing a stroller, make sure to load up the stroller. Don’t push an empty baby stroller as you will not get an accurate feel of what that’s going to feel like when your kids are in there. Put a few baby formula and then push it to get a more accurate estimate of what that shoulder is going to feel like in reality.
Double Strollers are available in various types and designs. You also get sleek looking designs with luxury upholstery to appeal to the fashion-conscious parents.
Questions to Ask:
Factors to consider before buying a Double Stroller
You get strollers with lots of bells and whistles nowadays, but what matters more is its suitability and if the stroller serves your needs. The design and features you choose should add to your and your children’s comfort, and should also fit your lifestyle. We have reviewed several excellent double strollers here, each with useful features. We hope you are able to pick the perfect product for your family from this list.
Also Read: Ways to convert a single stroller into a double stroller
StrollerBoards is a family managed website with me (Ben) and my wife doing most of the work. We are proud parents of two wonderful kids and love reviewing baby travel gear. We have a firm but friendly “democratic parenting” style and offer several practical solutions backed by extensive research. Our own experience with raising two children prompted us to share our knowledge. Read more.
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